Chapter 1 Sunflower

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In the midst of towering ancient trees, resembling a primeval forest, Kui Ge, utterly exhausted, pushed aside a leaf larger than himself and leaned against a tree so wide that it would take three people to encircle it.

He panted heavily, "What kind of hellish place is this?" Kui Ge recalled working late at the office, nearly missing the last bus, and while playing the final level of Plants vs. Zombies on the ride, everything suddenly spun out of control, and when he awoke, he found himself in this boundless forest.

Though he had no idea how he got here, he was certain this place was far beyond China's borders. These bizarre plants-no way they grew anywhere on Chinese soil. Have you ever seen leaves bigger than a person? Or towering ancient trees that take three people to embrace? What about a red-and-black centipede at least three meters long?

Speaking of that centipede, Kui Ge had been chased by the monstrous creature for quite some time before he finally shook it off. If he hadn't run fast enough, he might've ended up as that beast's meal!

"I'm starving... Am I, a twenty-three-year-old upstanding young man who's never even held a girl's hand, really going to die in this godforsaken wilderness?" Kui Ge sighed toward the sky, kicking away a sunflower-like plant over a meter tall.

Suddenly, a strange synthetic voice echoed in his mind: "Beep, compatible species detected: Sunflower. Collecting species data. Species database established. Data stored."

"Beep, congratulations to the host for successfully activating the Plants vs. Zombies Super Plant System. You have obtained your first plant species: Sunflower. Current status: Summon available, 2/2."

A series of prompts sent a chill down Kui Ge's spine. Why were there voices in his head? A plant system? Super Plant System? Sunflower? These words tangled in his mind, and as if sensing his confusion, the voice returned.

"Sunflower: The initial species in the Super Plant System. It stores solar energy and restores


"What the hell? Restore stamina? I can summon it?" Kui Ge exclaimed in disbelief.

"Beep, summoning successful-Super Plant: Sunflower."

As Kui Ge stared in shock, a flash of golden light appeared, and a plant grew rapidly before his eyes, reaching a meter in height. It resembled a sunflower, but instead of seeds, its head bore a soft yellow bud with a green gelatinous core that emitted a tempting fragrance. Swallowing hard, Kui Ge cautiously approached the strange sunflower, noticing its thick green stem and two large oval leaves.

"Can this thing really restore stamina?" Kui Ge had initially thought he was hallucinating, so he pinched himself hard. The sharp pain jolted him back to reality-everything before him was real! Including the sunflower he had just summoned.

He could even feel a slight dizziness, as if he hadn't slept well the night before. His stomach growled loudly. In this vast forest, who knew what dangers lurked? Without strength, he probably wouldn't survive the night. Gritting his teeth, he plucked the small, green, walnut-like gelatinous sphere from the sunflower and swallowed it. Instantly, a refreshing fragrance filled his mouth, slid down his throat, and spread through his stomach, intestines, and limbs, as though a surge of life energy coursed through his weary body. The fatigue vanished without a trace, and he felt as invigorated as if he had just woken from a deep sleep, even his mind cleared considerably!

Kui Ge gazed at the sunflower on the ground, overjoyed. He gently caressed the flower head, tenderly, as if it were his own child. Suddenly, a new voice echoed in his mind-not the monotonous electronic tone, but a crisp, gentle girl's voice: "Enjoy the sunlight. Next condensation will occur in four hours." Startled, Kui Ge's hand trembled. What was that?

The forest around him was eerily silent, with no signs of life other than the sunflower he had summoned. Wait-something was off. A moving sunflower? Cold sweat trickled down Kui Ge's temples as he watched the sunflower gently sway, its two leaves waving like arms.

"Aah! A ghost!" Kui Ge screamed, stumbling back three steps and falling to the ground.

His heart pounded wildly as he stared at the swaying sunflower. If he weren't naturally thick-skinned, he might have died of fright right there in the forest.

Regaining his strength, Kui Ge surveyed his surroundings. Not far away, there was a small stream, and ancient trees towered all around him. Judging by the dim light, it was likely one or two in the afternoon, though the sun was obscured by the thick canopy, casting an eerie shadow over the forest.

He knew he had to leave as soon as possible. Who knew what horrors might emerge at night? The thought of the three-meter-long centipede sent a shiver down his spine. He glanced at the sunflower he had summoned. Could he take it with him? But it was rather large. Abandoning it here felt like a waste, yet taking it seemed impractical. As Kui Ge wrestled with his thoughts, the mysterious synthetic voice chimed again: "Removing summoned plant will recover one-fourth of your mental energy. Proceed with removal?"

"Remove it? Recover mental energy?" Kui Ge's mind raced. He began to understand-this had a similar mechanism to his favorite game, Plants vs. Zombies! The plants he summoned, like the ones he planted in the game, could be removed to recover sunlight, except in his case, he recovered mental energy. So, summoning plants consumed his mental strength? No wonder he felt dizzy after summoning the sunflower.

"Remove the sunflower," Kui Ge mentally commanded. Through experimentation, Kui Ge realized he could communicate with the mysterious voice by silently focusing his thoughts, although most of the time, the voice ignored him.

"Removal successful." The synthetic voice announced as the sunflower before him shimmered with golden light, quickly shrinking into a small ball, then dissolving into a golden point of light that entered Kui Ge's forehead. He felt a wave of clarity in his mind, and the dizziness dissipated significantly. So that's how it worked! Kui Ge's eyes gleamed with excitement. He, an ordinary office worker, had somehow gained this extraordinary ability. If he could summon pea shooters, watermelon catapults, or coconut cannons in the future, wouldn't he be as powerful as a superhero?

Filled with excitement, Kui Ge laughed to himself. "Hahaha, who would've thought that a lowly guy like me could turn the tables and become a high-flying success? Beautiful ladies, wait for me to return and shower you with my affection." In his mind, he fantasized about holding a mature woman in one arm and a cute girl in the other, feeding him fruit, while a queen-like woman massaged his shoulders, and two bikini-clad girls massaged his legs. His mouth almost watered at the thought.

 His mouth almost watered at the thought

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