Just Friends|12

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(Kian's POV)

     I woke up next to one beautiful sleeping Gemma. She's literally perfect. The worst part about us is I don't even know where we stand anymore. If I ask her things are going to get awkward. I shouldn't even be thinking about "us" right now, she just broke up with Jared yesterday and I'm already trying to swoop in. No. That's not the kind of guy I am.

     Ugh, this is driving me crazy! I need to know what "we" are. Whatever I'm doing, I just end up thinking about this over and over again. I need to know. Gemma, she's all I want. She's all I need. What am I to her? A friend? I can't be just friends. I need to be more to her. I probably screw that up though, because I'm a freaking IDOIT!

I replayed the conversation we had.

"Who even says that?'Because I love you, your like one of my greatest friends I've had.' Kian your stupid!" I mutter to myself.

"Kian?" Gemma came in rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, uh, Gemma. Hi."

"Hi." She smiled

Her smiles beautiful, "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhmm." She nodded.


"I'm hungry can we start finding our way back?"

"Yeah I'm just going to take a quick shower and get changed, I brought an extra pair just in case."

"Okay, me too."

     I got my clothes from my backpack and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water and turned it to the temperature I wanted. I took my clothes off and got in. I let the warm water go down my back and it felt so relieving. I washed my hair and body and I got out. It only took me 10 minutes. I put my jeans on and my black vans. My shirt was in my backpack I accidentally forgot to bring it. I walked out.

"Oh sorry." Gemma looked at me.

"It's ok." I laughed.

She was staring at my abs. I laughed and she looked up at me.

"Sorry... Again."

"It's fine. Are you going to shower?"

"Um... Yeah."

"Okay, well..." She was just standing there.

"Right. I'll go shower right now."

"Okay, go."

"Okay." She walked towards the bathroom.

     I grabbed my yellow tank top with R2D2 on it and slid it on. My sunglasses were in one of the pockets of my backpack so I hooked that on to my shirt.

(Gemma's POV)

     I felt so embarrassed I was totally checking out Kian! And he knew it! My cheeks were so hot. But not as hot as Kian, I thought. Gemma! Stop it, I looked in the mirror.

"Kian and you aren't going to date, he doesn't like you." I convinced myself.

I sighed.

"He thinks of you as a great friend so that what your going to be, one of the best damn friends he's ever had! I believe in you, you can do it!" I tried to get excited about it.

     Okay, breath Gemma. Deep breaths, I thought to myself. Okay, I'm okay, I can do this. I know I can just friends, let's go!

     I got into the shower and that's all I thought of. Being friends with Kian is gonna be hard but it's gonna happen wether I like it or not! Once the cold water hit my back I felt super energized. I feel like, like I can run 100 miles! Yeah! You got this, Gemma! Nothing to worry about, nothing at all! I washed my hair and body and hopped of the shower.

I Love Him *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now