Tomorrow's a Mystery|15

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(Isabella's POV)

"Kian why are you here alone with her?!" I yelled at him.


"No! Are you trying to steal another one of Gemma's boyfriends?"

"Steal?! You let me!"

"What is she talking about?" Kian liked at me, Oh no.

"Nothing." I nervously responded.

"Isabella." Kian grabbed my arm.

"Tell him, backstabber."

"He doesn't need to know."

"Yes I do!" Kian started to get mad.

"I can't!" I could feel the tears of guilt.

"Caroline." Kian sat next to her.

"Do you want me to tell him? Or do you?" She smirked.

"That's not why I came here." I gave Caroline a look.

"Well you have to tell him."

"Someone just tell me!" Kian yelled.

"Fine! But first you said I have to listen to whatever Caroline has to say. So talk." I spit out.


     Caroline explained everything to me. I should've let her explain when it happened. It's just the way Gemma explained it made it sounds a thousand times worse. I love Gemma and all but sometimes she exaggerates. Caroline and I decided to forgive each other, even though what I did was worse. I know if I ever told Gemma what happened she'd never forgive me. Kian's about to find out and knowing him he'll tell Gemma on his own so after this I'll go talk to her.

"Okay, Kian you cannot tell Gemma, after I tell you I'm going to our house and telling her, because keeping this from Gemma for a year and a half has made me feel guilty and all around terrible." The guilt was turning in my stomach.

"Okay, I'm not planning on seeing her for a few days anyway." He was upset.

"You know how Caroline was fooling around with Jared while Jared and Gemma were together?" My eyes started to water.


"I-" it was getting harder for me to talk, "I knew about it." The tears streamed down my cheeks.

"What do you mean you knew?" He seemed a little mad.

"I-I-I know I'm terrible, I knew Jared and Caroline were doing stuff when Gemma and Jared were together but I just I-I couldn't tell Gemma."


"Because it would've broken her heart! I didn't want to hurt her especially with the problems she was dealing with at the time, I didn't think her and Jared were going to last for more than a month." I felt horrible.


"No I know what your going to say and I already know I'm a huge jerk!"

"That's not what I was going to say."

"Well that's what you should she cause it's true."

"No your not."

"I-I should go, I have to go tell Gemma." I ran to the door and to my car.


(Gemma's POV)

     I've been crying, uncontrollably, for an hour now. How could I do that to Kian? More importantly why did I do that to Kian? Oh yeah! Because I'm a selfish slut that everyone hates! Why would I choose to loose one of the greatest people in my life? I don't know, I hate myself. The worst part is Kian's always the one to make me feel better either him or Bella or Emma. Bella went somewhere though and Emma's on a date with Sam.

I Love Him *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now