Chapter 7 : "Why would I?"

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It was an unusually peaceful morning as Mark made his way to school. Normally, his mornings were filled with Haechan's loud laughter, playful nudges, and endless clinginess. But today felt different. There was an eerie calmness, the kind that gnawed at the back of Mark's mind. He didn't think much of it at first, maybe Haechan was just running late, but as the minutes passed and the school corridors remained unusually quiet, Mark couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

He stepped into his classroom, scanning the room for the familiar face that was always there to greet him with a teasing grin. But Haechan wasn't there. Mark sighed, dropping his bag onto his desk. He sat down, fidgeting with his pencil, his thoughts drifting.

Jungwoo, his best friend, walked in and sat beside him with a heavy thud.

"Hey, have you seen Haechan?"

Mark asked casually, though the worry in his voice was starting to seep through.

Jungwoo gave him a puzzled look.

"You don't know?"

Mark's heart skipped a beat.

"Know what?"

Jungwoo shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes softening as if bracing Mark for bad news.

"Haechan's not here because... he's admitted to the hospital."

Mark's mind went blank for a moment.

"The hospital? Why? What happened?"

"People are saying... it's because of rejection from his mate."

Mark felt his chest tighten, his breath catching in his throat. Rejection? His thoughts raced back to the countless conversations he had with Haechan over the years, particularly one that now echoed loudly in his mind. Haechan had once asked him, in a rare moment of seriousness, what Mark would do if they ended up being mates. Mark had laughed it off back then, brushing it aside as another one of Haechan's playful remarks. But Haechan had looked at him differently that day, his eyes holding a depth that Mark hadn't understood at the time.

"What if... what if I was your mate?"

"Haechan, come on. You're like... you're like a brother to me.

"Besides, if I had to guess, maybe Jungwoo would be my mate. He's my best friend. We've been close for ages."

He had joked, Haechan had smiled, but there had been a flicker of sadness in his eyes. Now, that memory felt like a punch to the gut.

Mark's head swam with guilt. He'd been so oblivious. He never realized how serious Haechan might have been about that. And now, hearing the words "rejection" and "hospital," it all clicked together in the worst possible way.

For the entire day, Mark was thinking about Haechan and his actions to him

"Is he in the hospital because of me?"

Mark was confused and nervous at the same time, he didn't know what to do.

In the hallway after school ended Mark was walking tiredly mind was clouded with Haechan and suddenly he felt someone tapping his shoulder, it was Jungwoo.

"Mark, are you coming?"

Jungwoo's voice snapped him out of his trance. His best friend in front of him, looking at him with concern.

"Huh, go... where?"

"The hospital? His brothers took him there.... shouldn't we go?"

Mark swallowed hard, his throat dry. "I don't... I don't think I should."

Jungwoo blinked, confused.

"What are you talking about? Haechan is your-"

"He's not my responsibility!"

Mark snapped, louder than he intended. A few students nearby glanced over, startled, but Jungwoo didn't flinch. He just stared at Mark, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"You don't really believe that, do you?" Jungwoo asked quietly.

"I know you, Mark. You've been acting like this rejection thing doesn't matter, but I see the way you look at Haechan. You do care about him. More than you're willing to admit."

Mark opened his mouth to argue, but the words wouldn't come. Jungwoo's gaze was unwavering, cutting through the carefully constructed walls Mark had built around himself. The truth was ugly, but it was undeniable. He had pushed Haechan away, convinced that it was the right thing to do. He had told himself that he didn't want to hurt Haechan, that staying distant was for the best.

But deep down, he had known it was a lie.

Jungwoo sighed, his expression softening.

"It's not too late, Mark. You can still go to him."

Mark's heart clenched painfully, the reality of the situation crashing down on him.

"But what if it is too late?"

He whispered, more to himself than to Jungwoo.

The thought was like a knife to his chest. Haechan had been suffering, and Mark had done nothing but watch from a distance. He had seen the signs-the pale skin, the exhaustion, the way Haechan's vibrant energy had faded with each passing day. He had noticed all of it, and yet he had chosen to ignore it.

Because he had been too scared to admit the truth: that Haechan meant more to him than he was willing to acknowledge. That maybe, just maybe, Haechan was his mate after all, and rejecting him had been the worst mistake of his life.

Without another word, Mark turned and bolted and ran down the hallway, his footsteps echoing off the walls, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His mind was racing, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and desperation.

He didn't stop running until he was outside, the cool air hitting his face as he sprinted toward the hospital. He didn't know what he would say when he got there, didn't know if it would even make a difference. But he had to try. He had to see Haechan.

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