Chapter 4: The pain

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Haechan's health declined rapidly in the weeks that followed. His once vibrant energy was all but gone, replaced by an unrelenting exhaustion that weighed him down like a physical burden. His skin grew paler, his eyes duller, and the cough that had once been intermittent became constant, leaving him breathless and weak.

His brothers grew more and more concerned, watching helplessly as Haechan tried to push through the pain. Even Jaehyun, who had always been the calm, steady figure in their lives, began to worry. He spent long hours talking with Taeyong, trying to figure out what they could do to help, but no matter what they tried-rest, medicines, even the occasional visit to the doctor-nothing seemed to make a difference.

But deep down, Haechan knew the truth.

It wasn't something that could be fixed with medicine. His omega instincts, his very biology, were in turmoil. The rejection-Mark's rejection-had severed the potential bond between them, and without that bond, Haechan's body was failing. It was as if a part of him had been ripped away, leaving him incomplete, and his omega nature couldn't cope with the loss.

He tried to hide it, to keep his brothers from worrying, but he couldn't stop the deterioration. The constant pressure in his chest, the aching pain that spread through his body, and the blood-oh, the blood. Every time he coughed, it was like another piece of him was breaking, another reminder that he was falling apart.

One evening, after a particularly bad coughing fit, Haechan found himself doubled over in the bathroom, blood staining the sink. His vision swam, and for a moment, he thought he might pass out. But then there was a knock at the door.

"Haechan? Are you okay in there?"

It was Jaemin. Haechan quickly wiped his mouth, trying to compose himself. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine." Jaemin's voice was laced with worry. "Can I come in?"

"No, it's-" Haechan's voice broke as another cough racked his body, this one harsher than before. The door swung open, and Jaemin was at his side in an instant, his eyes wide with panic as he saw the blood on Haechan's hands.

"Oh my god, Haechan," Jaemin gasped, grabbing a towel and pressing it to Haechan's lips. "We need to get you to the hospital."

"No," Haechan whispered, shaking his head weakly. "It's... it's not going to help."

Jaemin's eyes filled with tears, his hands trembling as he held Haechan's shoulders. "Why didn't you tell us it was this bad? We can't just watch you waste away like this. You're our brother!"

Haechan leaned into Jaemin's touch, the warmth of his brother's embrace momentarily easing the cold that had settled in his bones. "I didn't want you to worry."

"But we are worried!" Jaemin's voice cracked, and he pulled Haechan into a tight hug. "We're so scared, Haechan. Please... let us help."

"I'm sorry," Haechan murmured, his voice barely audible.

Jaemin held him for what felt like an eternity before finally pulling back, his face determined. "We're telling Taeyong. He's going to figure out what to do, even if we have to drag Mark back here ourselves."

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