Chapter 1 - Bonds of blood and Brotherhood

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The morning sun filtered through the wide windows of the Lee household, casting a warm glow on the living room. Laughter echoed through the halls as seven brothers bustled about, preparing for their day. Haechan sat at the kitchen counter, giggling at one of Jaemin's jokes, while Renjun rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. Taeyong, the eldest of the Lee brothers and the leader of their family pack, stood by the stove, flipping pancakes, his mate Jaehyun standing beside him, helping set the table.

Despite the chaos, there was an undeniable rhythm to their lives. They had each other's backs, always. It had been that way for as long as Haechan could remember.

Haechan was the third before youngest, and his four older brothers never let him forget it. They were protective, maybe a little too much sometimes, but he knew it came from love. He was their baby brother, the one they all looked out for, even if he didn't always appreciate the constant hovering. But he loved them for it, nonetheless.

"Here, eat up before we're late," Taeyong called out, placing a plate of pancakes in front of Haechan.

"Thanks, hyung," Haechan replied with a grin, digging in. His brothers sat around him, chatting and teasing one another, but Haechan's mind was elsewhere. It was hard to focus on anything when his thoughts were constantly drawn to Mark.

Mark Lee, the alpha who had unknowingly captured Haechan's heart. They had met at school years ago, and from the very first moment, there had been something between them. At first, it was just a strong friendship-Mark was kind, patient, and always had a smile ready for Haechan. They had bonded over music, shared stories, and grown closer with every passing day. To anyone who saw them, it was clear they were inseparable.

But for Haechan, his feelings had deepened into something more. He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when he realized he was in love with Mark. Maybe it was the time Mark had walked him home in the pouring rain, holding his umbrella over Haechan to keep him dry, or perhaps it was the way Mark always made sure Haechan felt safe and supported, no matter what was going on.

Haechan had always been told that when an omega found their mate, they would feel it-an unbreakable bond, a pull so strong it couldn't be denied. And for the longest time, Haechan had wondered if Mark was that person for him.

He hadn't said anything yet, though. His brothers, of course, had their suspicions. Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin, who went to the same school as him, teased him relentlessly about his obvious affection for Mark.

"Haechan, why don't you just confess already?" Jeno asked with a smirk, leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah, it's obvious Mark likes you back," Jaemin chimed in. "You two are practically glued to each other. Everyone can see it."

Haechan blushed, stuffing another bite of pancake into his mouth to avoid answering.

"I'm just... waiting for the right time," Haechan mumbled. It wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. He was waiting because he was terrified. What if he was wrong? What if Mark didn't feel the same way? The fear of rejection gnawed at him constantly, and the thought of losing his friendship with Mark was unbearable.

Renjun leaned forward, his expression serious. "You should talk to him, Haechan. If you're mates, then you'll know for sure. And if you're not..." He trailed off, not wanting to voice the other possibility.

Haechan nodded, his heart racing. He knew they were right. He had to talk to Mark, had to know once and for all.

A Bond Not Meant To Be - Markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now