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                                 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5
                       ~𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓓𝓾𝓮𝓵~

I was taking a fighting stance and was ready to go. The boy yelled I tomei will be the one to kill you. Tomei charged towards me and began to throw punches, I dodged some but some hit hard. I soon realized he has some strength behind his hits. In an instant tomei kicked me in the stomach and I spit up blood.

I looked up and tomei was smiling. I thought I'm just a child this kid has to be a teenager. I'm only 12 years old, this kid has to be 15 or so. This kid has more experience than me and clearly doesn't mind killing.

The arena was so loud with laughter and everyone enjoying my pain. It was overwhelming, I fell to the ground in pain and tried to take a protective stance.

But suddenly the air shifted, suddenly there were gunshots. Men in black began to charge in and I looked up and tomei came towards me not caring about there being an intruder.

He began to stomp and kick me, I tried to get up but he was stronger than any other opponent even demons were weaker than him. In a flash suddenly tomei got shot and his body hit the ground quickly.

With a thud he was down. I rolled over to my side and I was coughing up blood, I couldn't get up, my father is yelling at me but I can't hear him I'm barely conscious.

Suddenly my father is shot and Raven begins to cry, Raven runs towards me and I used all the strength I had to use my body and shield Raven. My regeneration was being to slow, possibly from how bad of a beating I got from tomei.

I thought damn it regeneration work faster. Raven was crying and suddenly a man in all black, came up to us and said night night.
And injected us with drugs and I was weak and out of it, I felt tingling, me and Raven began to get dragged away, and I saw them also pick up tomei body.

I was dragged away with Raven and thrown into a car, we got our hands and feet tied with rope. Suddenly tomei body was thrown into the car on top of us. Raven began to scream, the man in black slapped Raven and told him to shut up you devil.

The car began to drive and we made it to a warehouse. We were taken out of the car and I was scared for my life and ravens. The man threw us to the ground and said from now on you three are our hostages.

Me and tomei were in bad shape, but I knew tomei couldn't regenerate. He was bleeding out right before my eyes. The man motioned to another man and said take tomei to be treated. I noticed a dark aura coming into the room, it must be the boss.

A tall man came in he had a huge sword on him. The man said I'm going to untie you but you must obey. We were unrestrained and Raven stood up and began to run. I yelled at him to come back, but the man with the sword suddenly sliced off his feet with a swift motion, Raven fell to the ground and began to cry in agony and distress.

I crawled towards him and cradled him. I said what do you want from us. The man said the government has killed many of our men and now its time for payback.

I thought who are these people and what happened to tomei. Soon ravens legs began to steam and regenerate, I noticed ravens eyes looked petrified and his face at that moment will haunt me forever.

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