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                                ~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 6~
                  ~𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓽𝔂~

I held Raven tightly as he struggled in pain, his small hands grasping at the bloody stumps where his feet had once been. A wave of heat surged within me—an unstoppable fury intertwined with helplessness as I turned my gaze to the man wielding the sword. His sinister grin grew wider as he brandished his weapon, clearly enjoying the moment.

The man introduced himself as Alfred, declaring that we would either become his Mafia slaves or face execution. Raven started to cry, and I tried to soothe him, though our dire circumstances made it difficult.

I glanced at Tomei, who was bleeding heavily, blood pooling around him. Alfred announced it was time to begin phase one. I asked what would happen to us, and he replied that the government would want us back, but they couldn't allow that. First, however, they needed to deal with Tomei.

Alfred emphasized that we couldn't let such a valuable asset perish—Tomei's survival was critical for their mission, and we had to act quickly and strategically to protect him while planning our next moves.

Time was of the essence, and every second was crucial in safeguarding what we couldn't afford to lose. I pleaded, "Please let us go, don't hurt us." Raven began to breathe heavily. They dragged Tomei away, and I watched helplessly as he was slowly taken from the room. I hoped he would be okay, but for now, my priority was to protect Raven. I told him that we had to obey for the sake of our survival.

Alfred gripped both of us by the arms and led us to another room, announcing that he would train us to become part of the Mafia whether we liked it or not.

He told us that while Tomei was recovering, we would be sent on missions for our new master; if we failed, Tomei would be killed. They held leverage over us. Over the next few weeks, we were forced to train, pushing our bodies and abilities to their limits. Finally, the time came to meet our new mission master. Fear coursed through me, knowing we were now involved with the Mafia and that he was a high-ranking member.

The man who entered was tall and thin yet muscular. He introduced himself as Echo, a name I suspected was a facade. Echo had an intimidating presence, commanding us to bow our heads, questioning why they were held so high.

Despite my reservations, I lowered my head and made Raven do the same. Echo instructed us to put on collars, and I hesitated, asking what they were. He coldly replied that they were collars, and I refused to comply. But there was no room for refusal; he seized me and forced it around my neck, then did the same to Raven. Echo warned that if we attempted to escape, the collar would cut our throats.

As the cold metal tightened around my neck, a sense of dread washed over me. I could see Raven's eyes widen in fear, and I felt the same terror clawing at my insides. The collar was a tangible reminder of our captivity and the dire stakes of our situation—escape was not an option.

Echo surveyed us, his gaze sharp and assessing. "Welcome to your new reality boys," he said with a twisted smile. "You will learn to obey, to fight, and to serve the mafia. Failure is not tolerated, and disobedience will cost you dearly—not just your life but also the life of your precious friend, Tomei."

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, and I felt a surge of determination rise within me. I couldn't let them control us completely, nor could I allow Raven to see my fear. I had to be strong for him, even as my heart raced at the thought of what was to come.

Echo began detailing our training regimen. "You will train for strength, discipline, and loyalty. Your bodies and minds will be pushed to their limits. I expect nothing less than excellence, and I will be watching every step of the way."

As he spoke, he made it clear that we would be subjected to grueling exercises and brutal lessons in combat—training designed to break us, reshape us, and mold us into obedient pawns of the Mafia. I exchanged a worried glance with Raven, who looked as lost as I felt.

Over the coming days, we endured relentless training sessions. Echo's methods were harsh; he pushed us to fight each other, to withstand pain, and to learn the art of deception. Our bodies ached, and although we were tired and bleeding, any sign of weakness was met with swift punishment.

Despite the relentless pressure, we found moments of connection. When we were given a brief reprieve, I would sit with Raven, whispering words of reassurance, reminding him of our strength and resilience. "We will find a way out," I would promise him, though I wasn't sure where that hope could come from.

One afternoon, while we were forced to practice hand-to-hand combat against fellow trainees, I noticed something in the shadows. A figure watched us from a distance, cloaked in darkness. I couldn't quite make out who it was, but the presence lingered in the air, almost like a ghost haunting our miserable reality.

During one brutal session, I faced off against a fellow recruit who seemed to thrive on this training. With every blow, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, igniting a primal instinct to survive. I immediately thought of Tomei and what would happen if we failed. I needed to fight, not just for myself but for Raven and Tomei as well.

As I knocked my opponent to the ground, a shift occurred in Echo's demeanor. Perhaps he wasn't just watching for compliance; there might be something else—an interest in who we could become rather than solely who we already were.

After the training session, as we caught our breath, I spotted the figure again—this time a little closer. My heart raced; could it be Tomei? I strained to see more clearly, but the shadow melted away before I could be sure.

"Raven," I whispered urgently, "did you see that?"

He nodded, wide-eyed. "Who was it?"

"I don't know, but we have to keep our eyes open. If there's a chance of escape—and it feels like there might be—we need to be ready."

The days turned into weeks, and we trained harder than ever. The time I envisioned for escape drew closer, and we had to outwit Echo and the Mafia at their own game. Each day, I reminded myself of our purpose: we were stronger together, and if we could band together with others who sought to resist, we might just stand a chance against the darkness enveloping us.

The thought of Tomei kept me awake at night, fueling my resolve. They might have put collars around our necks, but they couldn't shackle our spirits or break our will to fight back. The shadows seemed to grow darker, but so too did the resolve within us. And when the moment came, we would seize it—together.

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