Part 18 - Blinded and Alone

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Pain. It's the first thing I think about- the only thing I can think about- when I awaken. My body lays crippled on the stones below me, and my eyes- tears run down them, but I don't know where I am and who did this to me, because darkness surrounds me, traps me. I blink to maybe catch a glimpse of light, but pain shoots through my eyes. I yelp in pain, and my voice is rough and scratchy. I must've been asleep for a long time.

"Clay?" I whisper, feeling the ground beneath me. It feels like a rock, and there are some patches that feel like grass. It was probably moss or something.

I was already frustrated. Usually in the darkness I could see a glimpse of light, even just a firefly- assuming I was outside, I should be able to see the moon.

But, looking in the direction I believed was up, it was the same- darkness, an infinite void of blackness.

I try to stand up but agony flashes through me like lightning, I scream and grab my leg, rocking back and forth. I mutter reassurances to myself and manage to crawl a few feet to the side. I feel for a wall- just anything- but nothing is there.

"CLAY, GLORY, ANYBODY?" The shout takes effort and I grab my throat. It was a too much.

Suddenly, I hear a loud, echoing sound, unmistakably from a dragon.


"I heard you can speak," says the dragon in a de.

I turn towards the sound, ready for anything- then I remember that still I cannot see. My stomach twists in fear and i whimper. "Please... don't eat me..."

"Ha! They also said you were brave. Guess they got that one wrong. Guess I shouldn't have expected more, not from a scavenger."

"Who are you?" I whisper, my voice trembling.

"Just a soldier, just a soldier. An IceWing soldier. Yessir."

I don't want this, to be trapped, blind, in the IceWing dungeons.

"Why can't I see?" I ask quietly.

"Oh! Yes, your poor eyes. The soldier who brought you here- you were unconscious, remember- he got scared, he heard you speak in your slumber. He was understandably shocked, since your species can't usually speak, and he blew some frost breath on your eyes in his panic. On your way here from the Mudwing kingdom- we lost the battle, unfortunately- the frost breath thawed. But your eyes... I don't think they can repair themselves."

This was devastating, but I tried to hide it.

"You said you heard I was brave," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Who told you that?"

"The captured dragon, of course," the IceWing said easily.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing can out. I took a moment to process this. "You captured one of the dragonets of destiny?" I said finally.

"No, an older SandWing with a crippled wing."

Sunny? She's crippled?

No, I realized. It was Dune. But he was dead, wasn't he?

This wasn't the time to think about this. I didn't respond to the icewing, instead thinking about how I could heal my eyes. If I was truly in the icewing kingdom, It'd be hard to get to to an animus.


"The spear!" I shouted. "The animus touched narwhal spear." I was breathing heavily, I had to get this, I had to fix my eyes. "The ones that reverses frostbreath damage. Bring it to me."

"And why would I do that?"

"I'm..." I racked my brain for any negotiation power. I had the knowledge from the  Wings Of Fire books, yeah, but it would be dangerous to tell him. "I'm animus touched, by a NightWing, that's how I speak Dragon. But that wasn't the only thing they gave me. They... they also told me who wins the war. Nothing else. If you heal me, I will tell you who wins the war."

There was a long pause, and I began to think maybe he had left- but then he spoke again, slowly. "Why would I want to know that?"

I sighed. That was my trump card. What else could I tell him? "Tell me your name. I asked you who you were, you told me you were a soldier. Never your name."

There's another pause. "They call me Hoarfrost."

So he wasn't in the books. That sucked for me.

I try one last time. "I have connections to an animus."

A stupid thing to say, really, but what choice do I have?

"What tribe?" He asks rather forcefully.

"He's an IceWing, a rouge IceWing," I whisper.

When he speaks again, his voice is choked with an emotion I can't recognize. "I will heal your eyes."

A/N: I was gone for almost two months 😅 but hope you like this chapter, even though it's short and a filler. Also: you guys remember who Hoarfrost is? 👀 if you do, I'm honestly impressed

Dragontyper out 🫡

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