Chapter 2

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I walk to the cafeteria as the buzz of peoples voices fills my ears. I stand in the line for the canteen to grab some lunch. I loose my footing as I try to move forward in line but bump someone behind me in the process.

"Sorry" I say waiting for the insults.

"It's ok" I hear a girls voice say behind me.

I turn around to see who it was. I saw a girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes smiling at me. I return the smile and face forward again.

"I'm April by the way" She says. I have seen her in couple of my classes. Never talked to her though..

"I'm Caitlyn." I say a little surprised she's talking to me. The only reason I'm surprised is because I've had class with her for about two months of second semester now and this is the first time she's actually talked to me.

"I know, I'm in your art class" She said grabbing an apple and placing it on her tray. She looks like one of those 'look at the positive' kind of person.

"Oh, right" I say realizing what class I had with her.

"Mhhmm" She says grabbing her plate of food. I grab my drink giving her one last smile and start walking to go sit outside where I usually eat.

"Hey wait!" I hear her call out.

"Yea?" I ask turning around to face her.

"You wanna come sit with me and my friends?" She asks slightly shrugging her shoulders.

"Um..." I say contemplating whether I should or not. I mean I've spent the last three years of high school basically alone. I mean I had friends in grade nine but we all drifted apart in grade ten. I had one friend in grade ten. Daria. Unfortunately she moved away at the start of grade eleven, so it's basically just been me for the rest.

"I'm just going to take that as a yes" She says snapping me out of thoughts. She places one hand on the back of my shoulder and guides me to a table with two girls and three guys.

April takes a seat and motions me to sit down between her and a boy with black hair and brown eyes.

"Guys, this is Caitlyn" April introduces me.

Echoes of hi's came from around the table.

"I'm Liane" A girl with dark red hair introduced. I smile at her in response. I feel so awkward and out of place.

"I'm Jade" The other girl with brown hair said smiling. She was really beautiful.

"And I am Chase" The boy beside me said as I nodded in response.

I looked at the other two boys waiting for them to say their names.

"David" One with the blond hair said smiling.

"Bryan." The other boy with brown hair said.

"So, Caitlin, How come your never here at lunch? This is like the first time I've noticed you?" Jade asks.

"I usually go sit outside." I respond opening my can of pop.

"Well you're welcome to sit with us whenever" Liane says giving me a friendly smile.

The boys were in there own conversations while we talked.

I usually do not like being with a crowd but I am kind of glad they invited me to sit with them. They are all friendly.We were all having a good time talking and goofing around. I was starting to feel not as awkward anymore.

I feel someone move my hair behind my shoulder and I shoot around to see who it could be.

"Hey" I see Austin looking down at me with a smirk playing on his lips.

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