Chapter 31

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I pull out my phone to check the time. Fifteen more minutes till class is over then I'm going to grab something to eat with Chase. I'm still pissed that he went into the date for a bet but I am giving him a chance because he has been so persistent with trying to prove himself. I don't want anything more than a friendship though. Especially since I think I might have feelings for Austin. Which I need to get rid off.

I unlock my phone and see I have five new messages. Oh shit I forgot to turn my notifications back on. I open up my messages to see one is from my dad and four are from Austin. I open up my dad's message first.

Father: Hi bunny, do you want to go to a movie tonight with your mom and I? I thought it would be good for all of us to get out :)

I smile at my screen. This is something we always do when we have time.

Caitlyn: Of course, but I'll be late getting home because I'm just going to grab some food with my friend after school.

I hit send and open up Austin's messages.

Austin: Why?

Austin: You're not planning on walking home are you?

Austin: Is this because of what happened this morning?

Austin: Answer me Caitlyn.


Caitlyn: I'm grabbing a bite with a friend after school.

I wait for his reply while I scroll through Tumblr. I've finished my assignment so the teacher doesn't really care what we do. A notification pops up on my screen telling me I have a message.  I click open and it redirects me to my conversation with Austin.

Austin: With who?

Why should I tell him? Why should he even care.

Caitlyn: Why does it matter?

I send the message biting my lip.

Austin: Stop this bullshit. I'm just asking.

Caitlyn: Fine. I'm going with Chase

I patiently wait for his reply as the bubble with the ellipsis pops up. I don't know what he's going to say. I know he does not like Chase one bit. The bubble disappears and pops up once again. This happens a few more time making me anxious.

Austin: No you're not.

What the fuck? This is not what I was expecting.

Caitlyn: What, why?

I get a reply from his right away.

Austin: Because.

Caitlyn: You can't tell me what to do.

I send the message rolling my eyes.

Austin: I don't care, you're not going with him.

I get an unfamiliar feeling in my chest that I've never gotten from Austin. 

Caitlyn: Yes I am, you can't stop me.

I wait for his reply which I never receive. Soon the bell rings and I walk to my locker putting away the things I don't need. I meet Chase at his locker and we both step out into the parking lot. We both walk to his car but I get stopped by someone holding my wrist. I turn around to see a frowning Austin standing there.

"Let's go Caitlyn" He says through gritted teeth lightly pulling me in his direction. My heart beats faster at his words. I can't believe he's doing this, and all because he doesn't like Chase?

"No, I'm going with Chase" I say raising my eyebrows. I try to sound as calm as I can to avoid any dispute between Austin and Chase. I glance over to Chase and see him looking at Austin holding my hand with a frown on his face. I try to get out of his grasp but instead I get pulled towards him.

"Hey-" Chase starts but gets cut off.

"Stay the fuck out of this!" Austin slightly raises his voice looking at Chase. Chase looking at me almost as if looking for a sign to do something about this. I shake my head no and raise my other hand telling him to give me a minute. He nods his head as Austin pulls me away from him.

"Aus-" I start but get interrupted by a gasp that leaves my mouth as Austin stops and yanks me around from beside him so that I am standing in front of him. He keeps his hand on my wrist and places  his other hand on my hip sending shivers through my body.

"You're not going with him and that's final" he says his face only a few inches away from mine. The look in his eyes is something I've never seen before. "Alright?" He says raising his eyebrows. Sudden anger rises up inside me at his statement.

"No! You can't tell me what to do!" I say moving back slightly but don't get too far as his hand slightly tightens around my hip.

"And I already told you, I don't care, now go over there and tell him you can't go or god so help me" He threatens through gritted teeth. I am trying to look like he isn't affecting me but inside I'm actually freaking the fuck out.

"Why should I?" I say stepping back and this time he lets me go. He stares at me for a few seconds before letting out a deep sigh and stepping closer to me again.

"Okay look I'm sorry for this morning, just come with me, don't go with him" He basically pleads. My heart is about to jump out of my chest. The look in his eyes is almost heart breaking. Why is he acting like this? He's never been the one to show any sort of emotion except for anger. 

"Bu-" I start but get cut off.

"Don't ask me for the reason Cate, I can't tell you" He says softly placing his hand on my upper arm. I don't know what to do. I don't want to ditch Chase but I really want to listen to Austin for some reason. He has never acted this way towards me and it's making me melt.

"What do I tell Chase?" I ask. It is clear to me now that I have feelings for Austin which are clouding my decisions. Relief washes over him as he hears my question.

"Tell him there is an emergency" He shrugs. I nod my head and walk over to Chase who he leaning against his car looking down at his phone. He looks up when he notices me walking to him.

"Is everything okay?" He asks standing up straight.

"Uh there's just an emergency, do you think we can do this another time?" I ask him with an apologetic look.

"Oh, uh yeah, sure" He says clearly disappointed.

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine, I hope everything works out" He says giving me a closed mouth smile.

"Thanks" I say feeling guilty for lying to him. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I smile.

"See you tomorrow" He nods giving me a closed mouth smile. I turn and walk towards Austin and see he has pulled out his car. I walk to the passenger side and step in.

"Can you just at least try to explain some of this to me?" I say looking at him. He doesn't reply or look at me. "Please? This is not fair to me, I mean this morning you lashed out at me and now this..." I trail off. He bites his lip and let's out a sigh. "You keep jumping back and forth and it's really taking a toll on me believe it or not. I can't deal with it" I say honestly. I am glad that I am getting this out. Maybe he will see and understand even a little.

"Fine, but just know that I can't tell you everything" He says glancing at me.

"Alright" I say thankful that he's at least trying. He pulls up to a little diner and steps out of the car as I follow. He sits at a booth beside a large window and I take a seat across from him.

"So, what do you want to know" He raises his eyebrows.


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