Chapter 8

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We'll, we'll, we'll, if it isn't auto correct?


"I saw that you were with that dumbass yesterday" Austin said squinting his eyes. I was trapped against the wall with him pushing my wrists into the harsh wall.

"He's not a dumbass" I squinting back at him.

"You are right, Its you who is the dumbass" He says pushing me back slightly and letting go. He takes a few steps back before turning to me.

"You are so stupid, you actually think he would like you?" He asks looking frustrated. Well I think he might, I mean he has been super sweet to me.

"He is just being nice to you because he feels bad for you" he says stepping closer once again.

"You didn't tell him about that day right?" He raising an eyebrow. "Because you know that if you tell him anything you'll be in a lot of trouble" He says menacingly. He steps closer putting his hand on either side of my head. His face is so close to mine I can feel his breath on my lips.

"Answer me" He whispers the smell of peppermint filling my nose.

"No" I say quickly. I shift waiting for him to move but he stands in the same position. He stares at me  with an unreadable expression. I clear my throat and shift once again hoping he would move this time.

"Leave" He growls pushing himself off the wall.

"What?" I ask not sure if I'm hearing right.

"Leave" He says a little louder letting out a sigh. I don't question him anymore, and quickly pick up my bag and leave. As I turn behind the wall I see Austin sitting against the wall with his knees up. His elbows resting on his knees and his head hanging down with his hand in his hair. He looks distressed.  He tilts his head and his eyes met mine. I see a look in his eyes I've never seen before. He almost looks...sad. But why? I am curious to know what's wrong but I decide to stay out of his business.  He raises his eyebrows as if asking what. I quickly look away shaking my head and leave. I walk back into the cafeteria and walk to the table that everybody usually sits at.

"Hey guys" I say seeing only April, David Chase and Jade. I take a seat beside Chase and pull out my sandwich. 

"Hey, where have you been?" Chase asked frowning his eyebrows.

"Just went to walk outside because it's nice." I lie with a little smile.

"Oh, ok" Chase says almost sounding confused.

"You wanna come to the mall with us after school?" Jade asked.

"Can't. I have to finish the poster for Geography today." I say rolling my eyes.

"Ugh, that sucks. And even worse that it's with Austin." April said with disgust.

"Yea, I know. I just want to get it over with."

"Are you going to Austin's house to do the project?" Chase asks.

"Uh, yea" I say nodding.

"Oh, ok" He said quietly. I nod my head not knowing how to respond.


I walk to my next class an sit in the back of the class against the wall. I'm going to admit I'm quite nervous about tonight. I really don't want to go to Austin's house, again. As much as I don't want to think about it right now, I can't get it out of my head.

"Hello students!" The teacher says indicating that class is starting. Murmurs of hi's and hellos sound from around the room.

"So, today we are going to be taking notes!" The teacher says trying to make it sound fun as the whole class groans.

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