Chapter 1, Part 3: The Scarlet Tide

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The open sea stretched endlessly before The Siren's Call, dark and vast under the weight of gathering storm clouds. The wind had shifted, carrying an unnatural chill that gnawed at the bones of every sailor on deck. Captain Liora stood at the helm, her gaze locked on the horizon as the ship cut through the roughening waves. There was an eerie stillness in the air, as if the world itself was holding its breath.

Below deck, the crew moved in uneasy silence. Whispers of the strange hum had spread quickly, and now, as they sailed deeper into uncharted waters, a sense of dread clung to the ship like the salty spray of the sea. Liora's command kept them in line, but fear was a slippery thing, hard to grasp once it took root.

Finn approached her, his face grim. "Storm's rolling in fast, Captain. Should we adjust the sails?"

Liora didn't answer immediately, her eyes scanning the darkening clouds. The sea was getting rougher by the minute, but that wasn't what unsettled her. It was the feeling—the weight of something lurking just out of sight, just beneath the surface.

"No," she said finally. "Hold course."

Finn hesitated, glancing at the crew behind him. "The men are on edge, Captain. They're saying there's something out there—something in the water."

Liora turned to him, her expression hard. "I said, hold course, Finn."

"Aye, Captain." He nodded sharply, but his unease was clear. "But you might want to see this."

Without waiting for a reply, Finn led her to the starboard side of the ship. The wind whipped her coat as she followed him, and the sharp sting of the salt spray filled her lungs. The men on deck were clustered together, their eyes wide as they peered over the edge of the ship.

"What is it?" Liora demanded as she reached the rail.

One of the crew, a young deckhand named Griggs, pointed with a trembling hand. "Look, Captain... the sea."

Liora leaned over the rail and froze. The water, once deep blue, had turned a dark, murky red, as if the ocean itself was bleeding. The sight of it was sickening, unnatural, and the air seemed heavier, thick with the stench of copper and decay.

"What in the hell...?" she muttered, her grip tightening on the rail.

The crew exchanged fearful glances, some muttering prayers under their breath, others gripping the hilts of their weapons as if the red water might crawl aboard. Finn stood beside her, his jaw clenched, but his eyes betrayed his fear.

"Captain," he said quietly, "this isn't right. It's like the sea's been poisoned."

Liora didn't respond, her mind racing. The map. The legend of Maravique. She had heard whispers of strange phenomena surrounding those cursed waters, but she hadn't believed it. She had thought it was just another sailor's tale, a way to keep treasure hunters at bay. But now...

Something massive moved beneath the surface.

The water rippled violently, the ship lurching to one side as if something had brushed up against it. The crew stumbled, a few men shouting in alarm. Liora grabbed hold of the rail, her heart pounding. She peered into the crimson depths, straining to see, but whatever it was had vanished as quickly as it had come.

"Did you see that?" Griggs gasped, his voice shaking.

Finn's hand went to his cutlass. "We're not alone out here."

Before Liora could respond, the fog rolled in.

It came out of nowhere, thick and suffocating, swallowing the ship in a blanket of white. The sails groaned under the sudden stillness, the wind disappearing as if the sea itself had taken a breath and was holding it. Visibility dropped to nothing, the world beyond the ship vanishing into the mist.

"Everyone, to your stations!" Liora barked, her voice cutting through the rising panic. "Stay sharp!"

The crew scrambled to obey, but their movements were frantic, confused. The fog was too thick, the water too still, and the red stain that surrounded the ship seemed to pulse, as if the sea itself was alive.

Liora turned to Finn, her voice low and urgent. "We need to get out of this fog. Full sail—get us out of here, now."

Finn nodded, shouting orders to the men, but there was a growing sense of helplessness in their eyes. They couldn't see beyond the fog, couldn't tell where they were or what lay beneath them. The compass spun wildly, the ship's direction uncertain.

Suddenly, the ship jolted again, harder this time, as if something had struck it from below. The sound of splintering wood filled the air, and the crew shouted in terror as the ship swayed violently to one side. Liora grabbed the helm, struggling to keep her balance, but the sensation of something immense beneath them made her stomach churn.

"Get below deck!" she shouted. "Brace for impact!"

But before the crew could move, the fog parted just enough for Liora to see it—the shadow of something massive, something ancient, moving beneath the red-stained waters. It was too dark, too deep to make out its full shape, but its size was undeniable. Whatever it was, it dwarfed The Siren's Call.

For the first time in her life, Liora felt true fear.

The ship jolted again, a violent lurch that sent men tumbling across the deck. The creature—or whatever it was—moved beneath them, unseen but felt, its presence palpable in the air.

Liora gripped the helm tighter, her knuckles white. "Finn!" she shouted over the chaos. "Get us moving, now!"

But the ship wasn't responding. The sails hung limp, the wind gone, and the red sea held them in place like a vice. Liora's breath came in short, sharp bursts as the fog closed in around them once more, thicker, heavier.

And then, from somewhere deep within the mist, came the low, haunting call of a siren's song.

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