3|Chances to wrong a Rigt

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Lilith Star

All I could hear was the rhythmic in and out motion of her breathing. And that's all I wanted to hear. Nothing else was important. I could tell that she was still awake. I stayed as still as I could, not making a single sound. I turned a couple of times to act like I was sleeping. When I finally fell asleep I woke up what felt like a second later. The curtains were open and when I turned my head Raven was nowhere to be seen. I was worried, did something happen to her? Did my mother get to her? Shit! I needed to find her! I quickly got out not caring if I was still in my pj's. I raced all over the house, my family was god knows where.

I walked not so calmly into the kitchen and saw a plate, one piece of bread with scrambled eggs and some sausage. I walked over and saw a pink sticky note. On the note a hurriedly scrawled message.
"Thanks for letting me stay over, made some breakfast for you as a thank you.
All best regards
Raven <3"

I couldn't help but smile. I folded the note up and put it in my pocket. I took the fork that sat beside the plate and began to eat. After I finished off the food I looked over to the clock. And may or may not have realized I was incredibly late.

Raven Song
The story grows. That's what my English teacher keeps saying. Every time we finish the chapters we were supposed to read in our book. The book name? Rose Quartz lies by someone named Aliana Sane. Maybe she was insane because the book is just fucked up. 3 out of 4 times some one dies, get's bruttually beaten up, raped, or abused. In Every. Fucking. Chapter. I question how this book isn't banned, or rated Adult instead of Teen. Our teacher Mrs. Myers tells us the books -aside from it's very graphic content- is actually really inspiring. I wouldn't say so but who really cares about my opinion.
"The test is in 3 days, don't forget that" she said. The bell rang and everyone packed up to leave. I got up to leave as well when Mrs. Myers stopped me. "Raven, can you stay a bit longer?" I grew stiff. Why did she want me to stay longer? I turned and waited. I was eyeing the door and my hand rested near my middle pocket -my jeans were a bit different then the others- as I waited for her to go on.
"Your work has shown great results. You've aced every quiz and even pop quiz, do you mind letting me use your work to show my other classes? It's okay if not" she asked. So it's just about my work? Sounds fair enough.

"Sure" I mumbled out. She thanked me and I left quicker than the flash. I was iffy when it came to  teachers, or more of adults in general, even if I was closer and closer to a young adult myself. I didn't really trust adults. I hurried over to my table where Yana sat... with Jake. Why was he here? I went over and sat down beside Yana. Yana didn't even acknowledge my existence as she kept on talking with Jake. Jake stopped and gave me a death glare, although it was weak as shit, even a toddler could give a better one. "Oh so the psycho lives," he sneered. I ignored him and got my lunch out. Yana finally noticed my existence but she wasn't that much kinder. "Thought you'd be suspended or something, given your liking to violence" it wasn't playfully or jokingly.

I felt a cold feeling reside in the pit of my stomach. I really wanted no need to ignore them or I'd do something to prove their horrible point. "I don't like violence" I whispered-shouted. Yana just scoffed and Jake just rolled his eyes.  I had to control my anger, but it was really hard when they were acting like this. Like spoiled little brats. "Why did you do that? Do you go off on violence?" Ignore them. "Was your first word 'murder'?" Ignore them. "Did you torture animals as a kid?" Ignore them. "Why are you being a bitch?" Ignore them. Just ignore them, they aren't worth it. "You're being a horrible friend, Raven" Yana sighed. And I finally exploded, I got up not caring if I made a scene. "I'm being the horrible one? Jake was the one that pushed me without a reason into the pool, breaking my phone with multiple important documents! I just gave him the karma he deserved!" I shouted.

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