Spike and Loona's future family

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In Spike and Loona's new home a mansion he wasn't living in since he liked living with Loona and blitz's Home apartment but after a few he thought maybe everyone wants more space in a room so he brought Loona and blitz there to live with him instead.

Spike was rummaging through some old stuff in his workshop looking for his sawed-off since he couldn't summon them in anymore, Loona gave him a cup of coffee and kissed him, he smiles while he still searched he then found it

Spike: Here it is damn it. i told Vex and Tasha not to grab my weapons i made them and their brothers an arsenal for a reason..
Loona: hon it's fine. Besides, they are just like us, assholes an in their twenties, so we have to discipline them a bit more, Try training them, maybe

She nuzzles into his neck and takes a breath in of his scent he reached a hand to her cheek and caressed her with his thumb rubbing her cheek and smiled softly at her

Spike: Yeah, I'll try that

After a few hours, Spike is outside in the back grass and trees in the middle of a the trees that are in the big training erea he sits down and listened closely he hears a twig snap from the tree on the left his ears twitched as he has the upper hand again, a female hellhound her name is Vex with Loona's same fur pattern and height her hair style Mohawk, she jumps down from one of the trees a wooden spear in hand aiming for his chest Spike side steps and kicks her sending Vex towards one of the trees she slid down to the floor out of the fight, he hears running coming towards him fast and turns just in time as a male wolf with almost his same height and fur pattern as him, name Bruz He was holding a shield and a flail mace and almost hits Spike in the face as one of the flail mace's spikes grazed his cheek the wolf goes to shield bash Spike, he dodges out of the way and tries to hit the wolf but he blocks Spike's attacks, Spike used his strength to push Bruz towards a tree trying to distract him while he thinks of using his tail to trip him two more appeared from behind, another wolf and hellhound both having a mix of Spike and Loona's fur patterns, the female wolf her name is Tasha she was at an average height her hair the same as Loona's and hellhound another male was short but fast his name is Razor, they quickly move up while Spike was dealing with Bruz who used his flail mace and pushed back the flail mace hits Tasha who got in the way she was knocked out

Bruz: Shit! Sorry, Tasha!

Spike sees the opportunity before Razor gets a hit on Spike, Spike used his tail to trip him and he does Bruz falls with a loud thud Spike goes for a stomp Konrad blocked with his shield again but the force still made it to where his shield hit him still but not as bad if he didn't block, Razor used Karambit knives to attack, getting the attention away from Bruz for the moment Razor threw two at Spike he rolls out of the way and runs toward him Razor's eyes shot wide open and the last second he dodges under his punch and slashed him in the torso and punched Spike but he barely flinched

Spike: c'mon, son, even my grandmother could hit harder than that

Razor: shit w-wait da!-

Spike punched him in the gut he was sent high into the air and landed in a few trees

Razor grunts in pain as he hangs there

Bruz: I'm still in the game, old man

He turns to Bruz and gets into a fighting stance again

Spike: All right, bruz

Bruz charged full speed and goes for a shield bash, and it connects, hitting Spike he swings the flail mace, aiming for his chest Spike moved out of the way and charged, Bruz raised his shield for any attacks but instead he is being pushed back easily against a tree Spike kicks the shield the impact hitting Bruz in the face Spike grabs the shield and pushed it to the side giving him and opening and he immediately headbutts Bruz's head jolted back a moment Bruz standing before he falls backwards

Spike: How's that for an old man, son?

Loona: damn at least give them a chance
Spike: if we want them to improve, then i can't honey, assholes wouldn't go easy on them.. not out there
Loona: Well, are you alright?
Spike: yeah heh but I'm more worried about them

He looks over at Tasha, who is actually ok. Thankfully, she actually wore a helmet this time

Tasha grunts as she wakes up again. Vex also comes over to us. Razor falls down on Bruz, and Bruz pushes him off to stand up

Spike: a little better you need to try and work together next time Vex Razor good hit, Bruz don't get distracted and watch where you swing that flail mace Tasha good job on wearing a helmet

Tasha: ugh Bruz your lucky

Bruz: i said sorry!

Razor: hahah i got a hit on dad! You guys suck!

He smiled proud. Bruz slaps the back of his head

Razor: Ah! Fucker!

Vex: All right, stop fighting. We still need to improve some more besides we are expected to go with Blitz tomorrow

Blitz: Are you guys ready to look for my sister with me? I'm gonna need you guys to scare the shit out of people to make it a little more easy Getting information out of em heheh i can already she the look of those shits shiting, themselves

Tasha: those shits, shiting themselves... yeah, that makes sense

Bruz: heheh, yeah! We are! More than ready, actually

Vex: Right, yeah.. we're ready for tomorrow. Hopefully, these two idiots don't screw up

She points at Bruz and Razor

Razor: Vex, you're the one whose ass got kicked first in training

Vex: fuck you! Don't make me kick your ass again Razor!

He climbs on Bruz's back he turns around confused as he was focused on something else

Bruz: Huh, someone need me? Im busy

Vex rolls her eyes and goes back inside with her spear. Tasha also goes inside

Razor: Is she gone?

Bruz: Huh Razor? Where are you?

He looks around frantically he turns but still can't find him, Razor is still on his back

Inside the mansion

Spike: well they didn't do bad could've went worse...

Vex: dad, can you make me a better spear?

Spike: Sure, sweetie, I'll have it done and ready tomorrow it'll be in my workshop

Vex: Thanks, dad

Spike left to make more weapons an gear

Tasha: Wow, all of a sudden, you're nice, huh?

Vex growls at her

Vex: What's that supposed to mean?

Tasha: You're not usually kind to him..

Vex: fuck you Tasha

Vex walks off to her room Tasha shook her head and went to her room to

Back outside

Bruz bumped into a tree while running after Razor who gave him a wedgie Bruz stunned for the moment heard buzzing and looked up to see a beehive shaking before it fell on him it cracked on impact with his head the bees furious started stinging him

Bruz: ahhh!

In the mansion, Spike and Loony saw the whole thing both winced

(Spike: oh yeah, thought two were dangerous? Add in a few more in training. Haha,)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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