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"Psst. Whats wrong with you and James?" I asked Hisperia for the fifth time.
We were in Poetry class and I was currently clueless as to what was going on.
Don't get me wrong, I love Yeats and Keats but I was really wrapped up in my own thoughts.

Thoughts like, why were my best friends ignoring me and each other?

"Nothing! Don't disturb me, I need to concentrate." Hisperia answered my question with a shrug and turned to face the teacher.

I sighed. It was pointless. She was not going to burst up so easily. Reluctantly, I turned towards James, who was, for the first time not drooling over his book.

And here I thought my dream/memory surprised me.

Thinking about the memory made me shiver. I couldn't forget it like the other dreams I had in my life. But then, who can forget such a thing?
I shoved the thought aside and whispered.


"Ya?" He didn't look up from his book. Jeesh,something is wrong with both of them.

"What happened between you and Hisperia?" I asked.

"Nothing. By the way,this Keats guy rocks!" James changed the topic pretty smoothly. Needless to say, it earned a snort from me. James, studying in class is like Hisperia dozing off during a lecture.

And here I thought I was weird.


"Oh c'mon!" I yelled in frustruation earning a few curious glances from my other classmates.
Before you judge me for my ridiculous outburst,let me tell you, in my defence, I needed to scream.

As soon as the last lecture got over,Hisperia left mumbling something about her homework and James deserted me and joined some of his old friends. To say that I was furious was an understatment. I was definately beyond furious. I was about to leave for the Banquet Hall when I heard him.

"Are you always that temperamental?"

I froze at the spot and couldn't help but turn.
There he was,leaning against the wall casually. He was smiling and his eyes twinkled with curiosity as if he found me intersting.

Yeah! I am as interesting as an old,smelly sock.
Damn my imagination!

Seth was still waiting for me to reply and like a idiot I blurted,"I yell when I am hungry."

Way to go Heidi! He will officially term you as a creep now!

I was surprised when Seth chuckled.

"I won't be wrong if I say I am amused." He said as he came up to me. Normally,I would have blushed but I was still furious at my best friends.
Seth was looking at me with a confused look. He looked cute in confusion. I bet that confusion would be plastered on his face forever if I would't say something.

"You are amusing too!" I answered him and scold myself mentally. 'You are amusing too!' Good way of reminding him about the kissing session you dope.

Realising what I had meant,Seth goes red and scratches the back of his neck.

Awkward moments like these can make me a freak anytime.

We were silent for what seemed like an hour until Seth sighed.
"It was a misunderstanding. The kiss was nothing. It just happened all of a sudden. I didn't get time to react." Seth ranted,getting redder second by second. His eyes were cold now.

Maybe that was a misunderstanding after all.

"Um,okay!" I said slowly. I just didn't want to think about it.
Seth,on the other hand,relaxed as he confessed this.

"So,how about you and I go to the Banquet Hall together?" He smiled and his eyes were warm this time.
My heart fluttered at the sight of this. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined this.


A sort of pain stabbed me. I looked at Seth and cringed internally.

If it was Max in place of Seth.

Longing! That explains the pain.I longed for Max. I longed for someone who I never saw in life. Well,in my 'new' life atleast.

"Sorry! I don't feel like eating!" I muttered looking at my shoes.

"You hate me,isn't it?"

I looked up as soon as I heard Seth speak these words. His face showed hurt and it made me curse myself.

"No! Its just that I don't feel good right now." I whispered,feigning a headache.

"Oh! Let me take you to the Medical Ro-"

"No! I will sleep it off." I said, cutting his sentence.

Seth looked at me suspiciously but then offered to drop me to my room.
That was something I couldn't refuse to.

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