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"Are you serious?" Hisperia asked,with a worried expression masked on her face.
"Yup!" I said as I slurped the blood from my glass.
"I can't believe it!" Hisperia pouted as I drank the blood slowly. She had finished hers in less than ten minutes. You can term her as a blood addict.
Hell, everyone's a blood addict.

"I just don't understand!" Hisperia scrunched her nose in annoyance.

"Neither do I!" I sighed, giving up. No way was I leaving this castle. Its my home.

"Why in the world do you mix wine with blood? It ruins the taste!" Hisperia asked in disgust. She hated the idea of spoiling the taste.

"It tastes fine! You should try!" I suggested as I finished the contents of the glass.
To be honest, I never liked blood that much. It was too sweet. At least wine made it bearable. Moreover, bribing the chef was easy. All I needed was to make Helen, the maid realize that he loves her.

Sigh, call me Cupid!

"I will never unders-" Hisperia stopped mid-way, her eyes widened. I felt someones presence behind me. Probably James with one of his tricks.

"Pull a trick on me and I will drink your share." I snickered, waiting for Hisperia to chuckle but I got nothing.

"Actually, I just wanted to join you girls for dessert." Seth said, chuckling.

I turned, shocked to see him standing with a bowl of ice-cream. He was scratching his head in nervousness. It looked adorable. He looked adorable.

And I thought I was nervous around him.

"Ahh! Sure Prince Seth!" Hisperia broke the awkwardness between us.

"Thank you and please call me Seth." Seth spoke as he pulled a chair and sat besides me. I froze. It's James who always sits besides me.

This feels awkward.

"So you like vanilla, huh?" Seth asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah! And I see you like strawberry!" I stammered and suddenly I felt a stab of pain on my foot. Damn, no one kicks that hard!
I saw Hisperias expression. She just gave me the look which clearly indicated that I was screwing it up.

Seth laughed and I felt my classmates and other guys look at us with disbelief.

Ya people,I am shocked too!

I shrugged all the stares away and poured some blood on my ice-cream.

"Are you serious?" Seth looked at me dubiously.

"It is tasty." I grinned as I took a scoop.

Hisperia face-palmed herself.

Seth looked at my plate and then, to my utter shock or surprise,  poured some blood over his ice-cream. He took a deep breath in and put the blood coated ice-cream in his mouth.

"Nice!" Seth mused.

Hisperia hid her shocked expression and I tried not grin.
Sadly, I failed.

"I am sorry for being late! I-" James stopped midway when he saw Seth besides me. I have seen James angry (because of the other guys who flirted, or tried flirting with me) but this anger was something else. He was fuming, which was no surprise at all. I was just relieved by the fact that he didn't abuse Seth out loud.

Seth must have noticed it too, but he ignored and concentrated on his ice-cream. Hisperia just looked worried.

Jeesh! Why?

"James, sit down and drink." I muttered.

"Oh ya? Sit down where?" James asked, still pissed.

"Well, you can sit next to Hisperia." Seth suggested looking at him.

I stiffened. Hell! After what Hisperia told me about him and her, I doubt it's a good idea for them to sit together.

Hisperia squeaked a 'what'. James must have sensed it too because he just looked at her and stormed towards his other friends.

Hisperias face crumpled. It was heart-breaking to see that. Before I could say anything, Hisperia got up from her seat and excused herself.
I could see her shoulders shaking slightly as she left the hall.

I am going to kill James!

I looked towards his group. He watched Hisperia disappear and on the cue,looked at me. He flinched under my accusing glare and started talking to one of his friends.

"You should go and talk to your friend!" Seth advised me. I looked at him and he just gave me an understanding smile.

I smiled back and mouthed 'thanks' as I got up, gathered my things and headed from where Hisperia left. I bet my buttons that she was in her room.

I need to solve things between James and her. I rea-

I stopped dead when I smelled something. I realized that it was blood and it was from the Council Hall.
Forgetting everthing, I followed the smell and what greeted me was gruesome. It was a sight that would make you throw up. I think I have a strong gut.

I gasped at what I saw.

And then I screamed.

Queen Elizabeth was lying dead on her throne. A knife slit open her throat.

Thats when I passed out.

So much for having a strong gut!

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