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"Ow!" I exclaimed as I fell on the gravel path again. The sharp stones dug deep in my palms and I dusted my hands, a little annoyed at myself. I was so tired that I preferred sitting on the ground.

This is the fifth time I fell on my butt.

"You okay?" Seth asked coming towards me.
The look on his face indicated that he was enjoying the 'trip and fall' incidents. But still, the concern that laced his voice made me forget my clumsiness.

"Fine!" I huffed. Seth offered me his hand and I grabbed it. Getting up, I dusted my jeans and tucked a strand behind my ear.

Things went ballistic when Seth told James that we both wanted to check if the tunnel was blocked somewhere. Obviously, the tremor must have had an impact somewhere. Perhaps, where the footsteps were last heard.
Of course, James hated the idea and obviously wanted to join us.
Not to forget that he told 'Prince' Seth to rest for a while and that James himself would accompany me.
To add more drama, Hisperia heard this and got jealous. She suggested that she should be the one to explore the tunnel with me.

Naturally, I lost my patience, grabbed Seth by hand and marched towards the opening from where we had exited earlier.

The last thing I had heard from James was a cuss and a scolding from Hisperia.

"Who do you think the footsteps belonged to?" Seth asked before I could zone out completely.

I thought about it for a second.

"Definitely not werewolves!" I answered, chuckling.

Seth laughed but then, got serious.

"On a serious note though, who do-"

"Probably the guards!" I stopped him.

"We should have never trusted the Chef!" Seth muttered darkly. I was shocked to hear something like that from him.

"If he was so distrustful, then why would he risk his life drugging all the guards, knowing that he would fall in trouble?" I snapped angrily. Louis was like a father to me. Lets just say, Seth's lucky that he is still standing on his feet.

"I am just stating the possibilities, that's all!" Seth babbled, looking slightly alarmed at my reaction.

"Well you're wrong!" I glowered at him and started walking ahead. There was silence until I heard Seth's footsteps, catching up with my pace. I felt him walking besides me but none of us uttered a word.

Silence made me uncomfortable at times, but not today. I felt as if I needed it desperately. I wish Seth felt the same way.

"So, your not going to fall again, are you?" He tried to lighten up the surrounding. I would have laughed if we weren't in a spooky tunnel, but I just kept quiet.

He seemed to get the drift until-

"Oh Lord! Heidi look!" Seth pointed at the  collapsed section. Our way was blocked, thanks to the roof that collapsed. It was a good thing I didn't see a hand sticking out from the pile of stones.

"Lets go and tell the others." Seth said in a low voice.
I nodded. We were about to leave when-

"Faster!" A voice from the other end ordered, stopping us in our tracks. Seth looked at me, eyes wide.

'Run!' Seth mouthed.

'Ok!' I nodded and ran along with him.


James POV





"Your thinking about Heidi, aren't you?" A voice made me jump. I turned around and saw Hisperia, standing there, her hands folded over her chest.
Somehow, she looked pissed.

"Well, I am thinking about her lover!" I gritted my teeth, remembering how close they were. My vision was tainted with anger and jealousy.

That bastard! If he touches her...

"Why are you thinking about Seth?" Hisperia asked, but then her expression turns into a shocked one.

"What?" I asked her, absorbing her every move.

"Nothing!" She squeaks as she prods a tuft of grass with her toe.

Player charm : On.

I walk towards her until my breath fans her face. She hesitates but looks down. I gaze at her and smirk. Slowly, I hook my finger under her chin and force her to look at me. Her eyes go wide at that. I move my lips near her ear while she squirms.

"You can ask me!" I said, making my voice a little husky.

"You won't like it!" She mumbles, shaking vigorously.

"Try me!" I said as I move my lips near her jaw.

"Are you-" she is breathing quite hard.

"Am I?" My eyebrows shoot up. What is she thinking?

"Are you gay?" She finally spits it out.

And that's when, you control the urge to punch a girl. But sadly, she is a girl so you control the urge of running away, screaming you lungs out.

I jump back, shooting daggers at her with the deadly looks.
"Gay?" I finally manage to say. I seriously doubt whether she is still drunk from that night.

"You said you were thinking about Seth!" Hertone was full of accusation, but the corner of her lips were twitching.


"Laugh out loud!" I said sarcastically.

Her laughter filled the silent-spooky meadow in the end.

"You are annoying me right now!" I say once she quiets down.
She pouts but her eyes gleam mischievously.

She is about to say something when suddenly, we hear someone running. Quickly, I grab Hisperia by her waist and dive into a bush, dragging her with me. She whimpers as she gets a few scratches here and there but quiets down.

"James! Hisperia!" I hear her worried voice as she comes in the view, while Seth grabs the bags, which were scattered around.

Heidi looked flushed from running, no doubt. Her hair stick to her forehead and there are drops of sweat.

I hastily jump out from the bush and Hisperia follows me, groaning a little.

I honestly hate delicate darling here.

Heidi jumps at the sound of us coming out from the bush. When she sees us both, her shocked expression morphs into a surprised one and then to a smug one. Her lips, which I seriously want to kiss someday, forms into a smirk.

"You two have been naughty!" Heidi chuckles as we approach her. I roll my eyes but I notice Hisperia blushing.


I cringed at that. Surely Hisperia doesn't like me. I mean I know I am hot and all's not.....I mean...


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