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The kiss was everything that I had missed all this time. Sparks were everywhere. It was as if the whole town was celebrating once again, but this time, it was inside my stomach.
There were few on goers who whistled and started hooting and some who just screamed,"Keep it PG!", but we didn't stop.

After few minutes, Max gave in and started panting for oxygen, while I just looked down, ashamed. I wanted him to move on and stay out of trouble, but the kiss just made it worse. It doesn't take a Einstein to figure the problem out. After this, I don't think Max is going to leave me. Ever.

"I used to leave you breathless when we used to make out." Max grinned as he took my hand and pulled me close enough for our noses to touch.

"And now you leave me breathless!" He murmured against my lips as he gave a small kiss this time. Good thing he was holding me, or I would have fallen down. My knees were going weak for the distance we shared.

"Max I-"

"Shush!" Max whispered as he gave me a peck on my cheek. Duchess was whining continuously and pressing herself close to us. She would always do that whenever she was exhilarated.
"Max! I reall-" I tried to speak again but Max put his palm on my mouth.

"Babe! Let me enjoy this moment for all I know, you might be a dream by morning. Let me make the best use of it."


"Huh?" He frowned at my muffling.

"Lef mef speef!" I pointed at his hand, which was still on my mouth.

He realised and nodded, removing his hand quickly but not moving away from me.

"Max, I know this is crazy but you will have to do as I say! Forgive and forget! Forgive me for leaving you like this and forget that you saw me today. Can you do that for me?"

Max heard my little request and scoffed.

"Please Sam, I'm not leaving you now!"

"Max please try and understand! You have to forget-"

"Before you start your speech of me moving on and all,"he interrupted me with a glare, which made me weak in the knees again,"let me just say that I tried okay! I tried to move on. I tried to forget. I even had blind-dates. I tried to be happy and started school normally. I tried for you, because I knew you would want that!" He whispered softly in my ear.

I shivered, knowing what was coming next and I didn't want to hear it.

"But even by doing all this, it was breaking me bit by bit. Drinking only helped me to forget about it for a while. Moreover, having Duchess besides, calmed me most of the time. I was going for a drink today after seeing so many love-birds around, and wished you were there, right in my arms. Then things got crazy," he frowned as he looked down at Duchess, who was sprawled on the floor, right besides our feet,"Duchess suddenly became delighted as we approached the bar. She was hyper and started tugging me along until she started growling and made a run towards the alley. You know the rest!"

"Ya,"I nodded glumly,"I know the rest."

"It's all okay now, isn't it?" He asked, as his eyes shimmered with hope.

I gulped nervously. This is it, I told myself, I was going to break his heart and there would be no turning back now!

"Max! I am not human anymore. I am something which is supposed to be against Mother Nature. You have to really forget me and continue with your life and-"

"And promise not to tell this to anyone else, or otherwise they will put you in a mental asylum!" Max completed my babbling and rolled his eyes.

"That's not what I meant to say!" I frowned and stepped back, creating a distance between me and him. He seemed taken aback at this action, and I saw pain in his eyes but it was then morphed into a cold one.

"I want to stay with you Samantha!" He replied stubbornly.

"You can't!" I blurted out like an idiot. He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"But baby, that's what we both wanted, right?"
I kept my mouth shut.
"Do you even love me?" He asked me in a dead serious tone.

I was stunned by his question. Loved him? Heck ya I did! But, I knew my answer to that.



Max's P.O.V


My whole world came crashing down when I heard that. All the memories of her which kept me alive started fading away, ripping my soul with it.

Ya right!

This stuff would have happened if she wasn't lying. Her lips told rejection but her eyes had a different story. They weren't foreign to me like her body. Don't get me wrong, she was still hot but her skin was a little too pale. I wasn't going to brood over details, guys don't pay attention to that. Instead, I would just play around and make her realise that she needs me more than I need her.

"Sam, pleas-"

"It's Heidi!" She cut my sentence off.

"Heidi?" I scrunched my face in confusion. The perks of being a hot guy is that your facial expressions can be your girl's favourite, no matter how disgusting they are. Sam, or as she calls herself Heidi, loved my confused face. She loves it now too, judging by her hands clasping the end of her sweatshirt. She is trying it hard not to touch my face, and I am trying hard not to yank her in my arms.

"Yeah! Heidi it is! I have changed. I have forgotten, and I think you should forget about it too." She explained as she slowly started to back out.

No! Stay!

"Okay then, Heidi," she flinched at the supposedly harshness that I used,"hope we never meet again!"

And that's how you do it.

Sam looked at me, disbelieving at what she had just heard. I really wanted to tackle her into a hug and scream 'April Fool' in her ear, but I had to be strong.

"So,"she cleared her throat and looked at me, her eyes brimming with tears,"this is it?"

I held back the urge to rush forward and wipe away those tears. But I knew what I had to do.

"Bye Heidi!" And with that, I left her and walked away, only to hide in a corner.

I am not leaving her again.

Duchess stayed still for a minute but then, surprisingly, followed me with a loud 'woof'. Dang! This dog is smart.
As soon as we took a right turn, I hid behind the wall and peered over my shoulder. Sam stood there, her back facing me, wiping her tears away and hiccuping.

Stupid! I wanted to curse myself for causing her pain but I knew it wasn't going to help anyone.

I was still debating whether to go and hug her when I saw a guy. He came running towards her and shook her shoulders, making her wince.

Keep your hands to yourself, you flithy mudblood.

Ya, I just quoted Draco Malfoy's dialogue.

"Heidi! It's Hisperia! I don't know what's happening to her!" And with that, they broke into a run.

"No no no!" I said to myself as I ran behind them. Duchess followed me, growling. I stopped and looked at Duchess, holding her back, whose eyes were trained at the guy. She never did that-stranger or not, she wouldn't growl at someone until she catches them doing the wrong stuff.

This is fishy! I have a feeling something bad is going to happen!

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