Chapter Seven

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No one spoke for most of the car ride. I had a sickening feeling in my stomach and from the looks of it, everyone else did too, except for Gally, who snored like a pig in the back.
       "What are we going to tell Ava Paige?" Teresa whispered nervously.
        "I don't know," Newt answered. "But she'll think of something. She's our leader; she always has a plan."
        I didn't know Newt for very long, but I knew him long enough to tell that there was doubt in his voice. I reached over and squeezed Teresa's hand, giving her a confident smile.
        She squeezed back, but her smile was weak. If the country found out that all of us were alive, what would happen to ISA? What about our parents?
         I groaned inwardly and felt the knots in my stomach only tighten. My parents would be an absolute wreck, thinking I was dead.
         We reached ISA headquarters about twenty minutes later. Of course, it took another half hour to get through security. Everyone, including myself, had to get our fingerprints scanned. I wondered how they had my fingerprint.
         ISA was huge and gray, not glamorous at all from the outside, deceiving anyone who might be driving by, not knowing they were passing by a secret government headquarters.
         The interior looked a whole lot nicer than the exterior. At least, the lobby did. The receptionist desk was cut out of a large piece of granite. A fair skinned brunette with her pinned up in a bun looked up when the door opened. When she saw us, she made a face of disgust and whispered something to the Asian male next to her who rolled his eyes and shook his head.
         "ID please," the brunette said snobbishly. None of the others seemed to like her very much either, but they still placed their ID's on the counter and handed it to her.
         "Where's yours?" She asked me with a snooty voice.
        "Hers is with mine." Newt said.
         She looked at it. "There's no photo."
        With a twinge of annoyance, I pulled out my student ID I had stuffed in my pocket the day before. "Is that better?"
         She humphed, but accepted it. "Julio, take them on the-"
         "We already work here, Olive." Newt said, annoyed. "We'll take her." Before Olive could say anything, they all ushered me to the next door.
          They led me around the place, showing me the dorm rooms, bathrooms with showers, dining hall, kitchen and where I'd be working.
          "You guys go on," Minho said. "I need to go tell Ava Paige about, ya know, them finding us."
        "Sure." Newt said and we moved into my working room.
         "Minho's basically our leader," Thomas whispered to me. "Newt's second in command. They've been here the longest, then Gally, me, Teresa, and you."
       "(Y/n)," newt called. "This is where you'll be working." I caught up with him and Teresa. "These are some of the best computers in the world and we also have a high tech lab."
         "What's the lab for?" I asked.
         "If the Snake, ya know, kills someone, we try to get evidence to find him. But he hasn't killed many people." He added at the end.
         "So...we track the guy and then Thomas, Minho and Gally goes and gets them?" I asked.
         Newt shrugged. "Pretty much."
        "Yo, Newt," Thomas said. "Gal and I are going to get to work, okay?" Newt nodded them permission, then lead me to my computer on the left of Newt's, which was in the middle.
         "This will be yours. We can get some personal things set up and then start your training."
         Newt helped me set up my computer with a password and the desktop (which I knew how to do already) and then training began.
         It wasn't too complicated. He showed me programs to help with tracking and gave me a list of passwords to memorize for getting into social media records, which we were legally authorized to.
        Halfway through Teresa left and returned with Chinese takeout for lunch. She had to leave for a meeting after, so Newt and I were left for lunch.
        "How did you guys know so much about me?" I asked, twirling noodles between my chopsticks.
        "We have legal access to all of your records." He said biting into a spring roll.
       "But I mean the personal stuff. Like the fact that I love Percy Jackson and I always get my frostys with a squirt of caramel?"
         He shrugged. "I need a better explanation than that." I said.
        He only shrugged again. "I really don't know. They just gave me your file with all that stuff in it."
        "But nobody knows that!" I exclaimed. "Only me!"
        "Your parents?"
        "They don't like Wendy's."
        "Tacobell and Starbucks are our hangouts."
        "Sorry (y/n) but I have no idea. Go as Ava Paige if you're that curious."
        We resumed our training a few minutes after, Newt showing me everything I needed to know. Once or twice I caught his fingers lingering on mine on the mouse.
        "I have to step out for a minute." Newt said after a while. "I'll back in a few minutes, okay?"
        "Okay." I said, turning to the computer until the door slammed shut. I put the computer to sleep and walked out, deciding to explore.
         I walked around for a few minutes when I heard some shouts and laughter coming from a room with the door open. I peeked in to see what all the noise was about.
         Minho, Thomas and Gally had all changed into athletic shorts and were shirtless playing basketball in an athletic gym. 
        I stood there for a moment, staring, until I realized what I was doing and turned around. Just as I began walking down the hall, I heard a voice shout, "(y/n)!"
        I inwardly groaned and turned. Minho jogged out, sweat dripping down his face and chest. I kept my eyes trained on his face. "Yeah?"
         He smirked. "Saw you in the doorway. How's training going?"
         "Great." I said. "I'm almost done."
         Minho raised his eyebrows. "That was fast."
         I shrugged. "Newt's a good teacher."
         "If you ever need a teacher, just let me know." He winked and jogged back in.
         Just as I was walking back, I heard a voice on the intercom. "(Your full name-yfn) please report to reception IMMEDIATELY."
         I gulped. Why did they need me?
Another cliffhanger! Hope you guys enjoyed the update spam I gave you ;)
As always, please like, vote and comment for more! Love ya!
~the fanmaster

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