When Contenients Collide

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At first, the sound was barely perceptible and the herd of caribou paid no attention.

They were grazing on the small plants growing near the isolated pump relay station on the Alaska pipeline. but the sound grew, and with it, what was only a speck on the horizon became a colossus that dominated the vast northern sky. It was a hovercraft ectoplasm transporter that was bigger than two hundred supertankers put together.

High on the command bridge of the transporter stood Dr. Doom dictator of his people of Latveria observing the docking with his cold, stony stare and realizing full how valuable this ectoplasm transporter, stolen from the earthlings would be to him.

"Stabalize the ship, then shit down power,"

Dr. Doom growled to Lord Pumpkin his supernatural communications aide.

Huge pillings emerged from the belly of the hovercraft and drove their metal foot pads through the surface ooze, down to the frozen soil below.

"Stabilizing now and shutting down power," Lord Pumpkin Said.

"Can the idle chatter," Dr. Doom snarled.

"I've got the attitude sensors."

The big fan revolved to a stop....

"Well where's the contact? Where's that pathetic carbon based ectoplasm who helped us steal the transporter and who has now agreed to aid us in shiphoning off tons of this prudhoe bay crude? .....I don't know why I'm bothering. I can't wait! Lord Pumpkin, activate the laser auger for a direct tap into the line it'self."

"My Lord, I think your original reasoning is still the most valid plan of action."

"My Original reasoning?"

"Yes, My Lord...by bribing this earthling we will have an ally, one who will allow us to return have repeatedly and drain load after load of ectoplasm without anyone else being the wiser."

"You know, sometimes my cunning amazes even me. Continue operations as planned."

"Yes, my lord."

Giant winches ground powerfully, a gangway clanged open, and a ramp extended down to the ground. A huge loading hose snaked out of its port and was grabbed by two villains, who coupled the end of it to a station outlet valve.

The Earth civilian who stepped out of the relay station to check on the operation glanced breifly at the transporter, they turned and went back inside.

"That fool is more valuable to us so long as he is useful," Said Dr. Doom after the man had dissapeared

"Yes my lord."

"And when he is no longer...."

"I understand, my lord."

"What worthless trinket was it that induced this betrayal of his people?"

"A desire for a new jeep, my lord."

As that very jeep was being unloaded from the transporter, the Villains were totally unaware that they were being infiltrated by an undercover X-Men member.

It was Cyclops, in his earthly disguise.

"Increase the flow rate of that ectoplasm, Lord Pumpkin," Dr. Doom snarled.

"But my lord, if we....."

"I have no more patience! I want it all...Now! Faster! Faster! my warriors need every drop of that lovely green substance to bathe their powers and fuel there ecto powers! total domination of the universe cannot wait on fools!"

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