01. What a Jerk!

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**WARNING: I am not currently working on this as I haven't for years now. You can read it but I don't know when I'll update it or even if I ever will.**

I was watching cautiously the street's movement trying to distract myself. There was this thirty year old woman waling her Terrier. The little dog really was cute. Brown and black, walking with those little paws of his, hurried to catch its proprietress.

As it was morning, around nine o'clock, there weren't many people in the street and the small caffee's esplanade in front only had three costumers: an old man reading the daily journal very relaxed and a lovely couple having breakfast before each go to work.

I actually hadn't had breakfast yet. I wasn't hungry because I was too anxious about going to school to know the classes of that school year. Twelfth grade. I couldn't yet believe it was my last year in high school. It felt like just the other day I was in primary school.

I kept starring at the street looking for something new in it. But everything remained the same except for the lady with the Terrier that had already turned the corner.

I was just standing there, idly, hitting the ground with my foot, leaning against the front door of my house, thinking about how badly I wanted to kill the girl that had left me waiting there. It wasn't the first time, and I was sure it wouldn't be the last one.

"Kim!" my mom shouted from the window next to the door, scarring me. "Why don't you eat something while you wait?" she suggested for the thousandth time, "I hate it when you don't eat your breakfast!"

"I'm not hungry, mom. I really don't feel like eating anyway." I refused. "And besides, Lori is probably about to arrive..." I sighed.

I really was tired of waiting, when I saw her, walking at a brisk pace, almost running towards me.

"Finally!" I muttered. "Oh, you're so dead, Lori May Evans!"

She got to me tired and breathless. "I am SO sorry!" She said with her big chocolate brown eyes begging for forgiveness.

"Just because it's not worth to get mad at you!" I assured. "Though I just wanna strangle you for all the time you made me wait when it was you agreeing the time in the first place!" I laughed at her being so carefree and distracted.

"Yes, I know. But you know how much I like to sleep!" She explained trying to get away with it.

"Next time that happens, you'll pay for the time I wait!" I exclaimed.

"I gonna pray so it won't happen again." She promised. "Now, come with me to the caffee, I'm dying of hunger!"

This girl is constantly starving. I swear I don't know how she can keep that body!

"So, don't you want anything else?!" I asked, wide eyed starring at the croissant, sandwich and juice she had ordered.

"I don't think so" she laughed. "I don't understand why you're always so chocked. You already know me." She said biting the sandwich.

"I'll never get used to it" I laughed. "Well, let's go. You can eat that on the way there." She nodded and we headed to the subway, taking about ten minutes to get to the school.

We weren't even half way there yet and Lori had already finished all she had to eat.

We got to the school and walked in, through the huge gate, heading to the local where we could see the classes and timetables. Once more, Lori was in my English class what was great because she was so much better at it then I was so she helped me quite a lot. The timetables coincided in three days: Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. They were actually pretty reasonable schedules.

We were focused on those attached papers but we couldn't help hearing this one boy down the hall that insisted in yelling at the girl. Lovers' discussions. There wasn't anyone around except for me, Lori and them. I guessed if there were more people. He wouldn't be so loud.

"And you know what?" he was asking, upward. "I don't need you!" he screamed as if she was worth nothing. I noticed his American accent. "I can get much better than you!" The boy hit one or two lockers and turned around, started walking away from the girl in a careless heavy step while he muttered to himself something I couldn't understand.

Now, that wasn't very nice.

The crying girl fell slowly on the ground, sliding her back against the lockers and sat with her head between her knees and arms around the legs embracing them. The boy headed to the exit needing to pass through us as we were literally staring at him. More like I was literally staring at him.

"Where are you looking at?!" He yelled, and then turned his back on us.

I stared still at him for a while, watching him walk reckless to the school's gate. He was about five feet seven and slim. His hair was light brown, almost blonde and spicy, rebel and he had brown eyes from what I was able to notice. By the clothes he was wearing, it looked like he had quite a lot of money. He has this brand white t-shirt with some black jeans falling down his but, in his feet there was a pair of hightop Supra just has in his left hand was a black supra cap.

When I focussed again on what we had gone there for, Lori was already far, heading quickly to the crying girl. I hurried along.

Lori got down on her knees and put one hand on the girls shoulder.

"Are you alright?" She asked, worried.

"He is a dick! How could I be so stupid?!" The girl grumbled allowing the words to relieve her anger.

Lori looked up at me with a lost expression not knowing what to do nor what to say and she looked back at the girl as I got down on one knee.

"Hey, it's okay." I said kindly. "Why don't you come with us to the caffee so we can get you a glass of water?" I suggested.

"You're very nice, thank you." The girl smiled a little with the tears still running down her white cheeks.

"C'mon!" Lori helped her get up. "What's your name, little one?" She asked softly.

"Paige. Paige Watson" the girl answered with her head resting on Lori's shoulder and Lori held her in a hug.

"I'm Lori and this is Kimberly" She said.

The caffee was quite empty. I sat with Page in some chairs by the windows close to the door while Lori went to get the glass of water. Paige laid her head on the table, now calmer and I stroked her long blonde hair.

"Maybe he didn't mean what he said" I tried comforting her even without believing my own words.

No girl should have to hear the words that that boy had said. And the excuse that he was hot headed justifies nothing.

She didn't answer so I thought beat not to say anything else and leave her with her thoughts.

"Here's the water" Lori informed sitting with us. "Are you better, Paige?"

Paige looked up to her.

"I will be, thank you" She replied with a small smile.

She took the glass, took a sip and put it on the table to lay her head again.

"But what happened? Why was he so angry?" Lori wondered.

Paige sniffed and again raised her head. She held the glass with both hands making it rotate as she prepared herself to speak.

"I didn't feel ready for..." She could not say it, but we realized. "And he didn't accept it" She finished dropping a tear.

"I cannot believe he was so angry because of that!" Lori rebelled.

"It wasn't the first time I had refused" Paige tried to defend him probably thinking the boy's reaction has been normal.

"That doesn't matter! He should've respected you!" Lori almost yelled angrily. She hated that sort of things.

I looked at her and motioned for her to calm down.

"You're right" Paige muttered. "Well, I've gotta get going, I should be already home.

We exchanged phone numbers in case she needed to talk and said goodbye.

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