05. Awkward Revelation

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  **WARNING: I am not currently working on this as I haven't for years now. You can read it but I don't know when I'll update it or even if I ever will.** 


Nate walked towards me, I thought, probably to sit down next to me. But I would never know that because Karen opened the door when he was about to start talking. Karen was Nate's mum. She did teleworking so she was usually at home. Because of that I always spent a lot of time with her whenever I came to be with Nate.

"Kim, sweetie, your mum is on the phone. Do I tell her you're staying for dinner? It is almost ready." She asked me, covering the phone with her hand.

I looked at the time in my watch, 9h10PM. I hadn't noticed how late it was. And yes, they do have dinner this late. Nate's dad works till nine o'clock and they wait for him so that they can all be together at the dining table.

"Hum, I should probably get home." I said as I closed my laptop and put it in its bag.

"Oh, c'mon, stay for dinner! Tomorrow we don't even have classes in the morning!" Nate said looking at me with his best puppy face.

He knew when I had classes and when I didn't, because we had most classes together. So non of us had classes in the morning and he was using that against me.

"Please?" He begged putting his hands together as if he was praying. "I'll take you home after dinner."

"Or you can even sleep over if you want to." Karen added and they both stared at me expectant.

"Okay, I'll stay for dinner." I said with a sigh, finally giving up.

"Yeah!" Nate celebrated, hugging me and spinning me around till we both got dizzy.

Karen giggled at us and excused herself. "Yes Mary, she's staying fo-" Her voice faded as she walked away from the now closed door.

"So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked a little hesitant.

"Hum, I'll tell you later. It's no big deal, really." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Kiiiiiiids! Dinner's ready!" We heard Karen scream and we chuckled.

"So, do I take you home or will you sleep over?" Nate asked with a smile.

"Ah, c'mon girl! He's dying to hear you say you'll stay!" Patrick said from the couch in front of us, obviously trying to embarrass Nate.

"Wow, thanks dad!" Nate said giving him a weird look and I chuckled.

"But I don't have any pyjamas." I said as excuse.

"You can borrow a large shirt from Nate, right son?" Patrick suggested not taking his yes off the journal. He was almost smirking. It was obvious that he was enjoying it.

Nate just glared at his dad and I chuckled.

"Okay, I'll take the giggle as a yes. Nate, you can sleep here on the couch and Kim is sleeping in your bedroom." Patrick said trying to be serious but failing.

Nate grinned and I laughed at the joke. I knew there was a guest room, Patrick just wanted to be funny. And he sure was. I loved spending time with this family. They were all very welcoming and I always had a great time.

"Unless you want to sleep together." Patrick finished the apparently unfinished joke and I blushed. Nate tensed up a bit like when we were watching Harry Potter's.

"Ugh, Dad!" He complained and Patrick laughed.

"C'mon now, Hun. Leave the kids alone." Karen said chuckling a little. "You can go upstairs if you want to." She told us.

I guessed that they had already decided for me that I would stay and I didn't complain. I liked to be there.

Nate got up really quick and took my hand to follow him upstairs. I could hear his parents giggle as we walked up the stairs. Nate slowed down when we were no longer on their sight and we calmly walked into his room.

"I'm sorry about that." He said making a weird face.

"It's alright, you're parents are funny." I said honestly, sitting on his bed.

"Yeah, still I wish I had a little brother they could tease instead of me." He joked and I chuckled.

"Yeah, still," I meant to start the way he had started, "you didn't tell me what you said you had to tell me." And if he still didn't, I'd be thinking about it until he did.

"Ugh, yeah, right, that." He said awkwardly as he nervously scratched his head.

He was so nervous he was making me nervous. More than that, he was had managed to make me curious.

"Is this about the girl you have a crush on?" I asked trying to understand the reason for his sudden strange behaviour.

He sighed, hands shaking. I took that as a yes. He walked towards me, sitting on the bed.

"I need you not to tell this to anyone!" He whispered/screamed. I nodded in understanding, preparing to listen closely what he had to say, and all of a sudden he got up. "God! I don't even know how to tell it to you!" He said.

He walked from left to right and then from right to left till it started to get annoying and I had to get up and make him stop. I put my hands on his shoulders making him face me. It was indeed serious.

"Calm down, Nate. What is it?" I asked looking into his blue eyes.

"It's Lori." That's all he said.

My eyes widened in surprise and my chin almost fell open. I couldn't believe what I had heard. I didn't want to. I couldn't think of them like that.

"Y-you mean... W-when did that happen?" I managed to speak though I was indeed shocked.

Nate stared at the ground and sighed. Then he pulled his desk chair and sat on it, in front of me. "A couple months before I moved to Scotland." He told me. "I had a lot of time to think during the whole year I been there. I had time to understand my feelings. Being away helped to figure them out though I missed you guys lot. I missed her in a different way." He explained.

After he had started talking, I knew he wouldn't finish that easily. He had it. And he had it bad. It was really weird to think of my two best friends in that way but I would be there for Nate.

"Do you think something happened?" Nate asked nervously when he understood I was no longer paying attention to his little huge speech about Lori.

I thought for a few seconds about that question. Had I been that distracted to not understand what he was talking about?

"What you mean?" I asked confused.

"When she appeared at the canteen?" He said sounding like a question. "She was like, very euphoric or something..."

"I dunno, but I can talk to her about that." I answered wanting to giggle. He was already overreacting over something like Lori's changing moods.

We talked. And talked. And talked. He asked me all type of questions making me imagine that he couldn't even speak to her normally, he would get all shaky hands and the words wouldn't come out straight. Like he didn't know her and was trying to figure out how she was. Bad best friend, very bad best friend. Once again, I wanted to laugh. But I didn't.

He went from questions like "did she have any boyfriends last year?" to "does she like chocolate?". Okay, I'm exaggerating, but still he was asking weird questions making me want to say again, he had it bad!

Fortunately, Karen saved me from Nate's interrogatory when she came to kiss us goodnight and warn us that it was getting late. I used it as my cue to go to sleep. I couldn't listen to Nate anymore even knowing how cute (though very annoying) he was when he talked about "Lori bear".

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