Chapter XVIII: Magic Bag

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Copyright © 2015
Chapter XVII: Fire Breed
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"What?" I asked Aaliyah.

We were both panting hard, but we still had two hours left of training. She flung a punch which I dodged. We've been practicing our combat techniques, just sharpening our skills. Whenever we didn't had a lesson we paired up and fought each other. Seems savage, but it's better than having Ravenclaw make us fight until we are all unconscious. It's better to bleed and bruise than hit the ground or pass out.

Aaliyah was focusing so hard on my moves she forgot to protect herself. I did a half turn giving her my back and bringing my elbow up, not hard enough to break her nose but hard enough to make her stumble a few feet away. I chuckled and took my gloves off, stretching my hands and waiting for her to come back. She came over, wiping her nose from a bit of blood and she also took her gloves off. "What's the focus about?" I asked her. It's good to focus, but she focused so hard she forgot she's not a robot.

"You," she said carefully. I nodded, I mean I was kicking her ass, of course she focused on me. "You fight just like Kane." My smile wiped off like it was never there in the first place. "It's discomforting and extraordinary how alike you two fight." I kept my head down, looking at my hands. It wasn't a compliment, but it wasn't offensive. I didn't knew what to say, but I hated how hard my heart beats at the observation. It's not often anymore that my heart beats so fast, it's good to feel, I appreciate anything that makes me hype up.

"You'll feel pretty... Gone, out of your skin, most of the time, but there's some stimuli that gives you a high of emotions," Alice told me two days ago.

"I'm sorry, it's just-" Aaliyah begun to apologize.

I smiled, "it's okay." Of course I smiled, I wasn't mad. I was sad, there's some part of me that'd always remember Kane, I used to love him like, come on. I don't regret once having him, for me, feel the butterflies he gave me, they were pretty rad. But now that's just a far gone memory, and I smile upon them. It's better to remember him for the good things that it was, not the bad things that came falling right after. "And yeah he taught me while we dated, so I kind of picked up some moves."

"You don't feel-"

I shook my head. "Aaliyah, I'd always adore Kane, I don't hate him. I dated him, we broke up, nothing to get sad or mad about. It happens," I shrug whilst smiling.

Aaliyah simply looked at me with admiration while I just shrugged. I guess break ups here seemed different, on another light, because she looked extremely sad for something I should be sad about, not her. I patted her back and begun unwrapping the gauze from my knuckles as I walked towards the small table where we put equipment.

Ravenclaw comes at me with a surprise hit. I grunt at her punch, stumbling backwards, I felt my hand grab at him for dear life, and him pulling me back up. I gasped, quickly letting go of his hand. I didn't had to look, it was him. Shit. I begun to get nervous, clearly nervous as I heard my blood hissing at my ears. It's him. Alice- fuck Alice isn't in Specialty X. I could say I wanna pee, or just act indifferently. But he was going to suspect something if I acted indifferently! What's up with all the shit I fed Aaliyah, Alice, and myself, and Christ what the fuck I'm blabbering right now-

"Irisandra!" Kane called out and I looked up, gripping tight onto my shirt. He glared at Ravenclaw, who's punch apparently backfired for she was heaving at the sight of his arms holding me up.

"Hi," I squealed.

Yep, this won't end well. Wait why not? I could just say hi, sorry, and run the fuck out.

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