2. Facts #1

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#1 Facts about your sign...

♈️Aries: You can always count on an Aries to take charge of any situation. Their willingness to take initiative carries over in romantic situations too.

♉️Taurus: Taurus is one of the most reliable and stable signs in the zodiac. They're super grounded and usually into things for the long haul. This makes them really good at long-distance relationships especially, as it takes way more than distance to shake their confidence and sense of security.

♊️Gemini: They're very loyal friends who are often faced with indecision because they want to take all sides into consideration.

♋️Cancer: Cancers are very emotional creatures who are very in tune with those around them. Even if they sometimes don't show it, their love is always pure.

♌️Leo: You'll rarely meet a Leo unwilling to help their friends out, even if it makes them look bad or isn't the wisest financial move.

♍️Virgo: Detail-oriented and organized, a Virgo's intensity for work and life can be intimidating to others at first; seeing as they're incredibly considerate.

♎️Libra: A Libra never makes a decision willy-nilly. They always try to take as much into account as possible before making a choice, and one of their fears perhaps is being unfair or cruel to someone.

♏️Scorpio: They never do something half-assed, and will know within seconds whether you'll get along or not.

♐️Sagittarius: While mostly known for their humor and wit, Sagittarians are also one of the most sensitive signs in the zodiac. They love deep discussions, and are some of the most genuine listeners and conversationalists you'll ever meet.

♑️Capricorn: They mostly hate loneliness and are an amazing company if you're seeking a reliable friend. Capricorn might be looking to get to the top of the mountain, but always in the hopes that there's a cozy little cabin up there with loved ones who await its arrival.

♒️Aquarius: You can always rely on an Aquarius to tell it like it is and give you a straight answer, no matter how uncomfortable it may be at first.

♓️Pisces: Uber-sensitive Pisces will often put others' needs first out of pure kindness — sometimes to such an extent they'll neglect their own.

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