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#41 The Signs As Kids...

♈️Aries: The aggressive kid who hoards all the blocks

♉️Taurus: The kid who steals candy from other kids

♊️Gemini: The kid who won't shut up

♋️Cancer: The kid who calls his/her mum over everything

♌️Leo: The kid that cries until people pay attention to them

♍️Virgo: The kid that always has neatest everything and colors inside the line

♎️Libra: The kid that is always bragging about their new lip smackers cherry

♏️Scorpio: The kid that rips the heads off barbie dolls

♐️Sagittarius: The kid that never cries

♑️Capricorn: The kid that's always doing something to busy themselves

♒️Aquarius: The kid that always invents stuff out of legos

♓️Pisces: The kid giving everyone random hugs

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