149. Facts #37

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#37 How to guess someone's sign...

♈️Aries: Strong opinions, unintentionally talks over you

♉️Taurus: Clear voice, too sarcastic for most people

♊️Gemini: Too many facial expressions, constantly moving

♋️Cancer: Always/usually worrying about something

♌️Leo: Always smiles, hates to see unhappy people

♍️Virgo: Too opinionated, better than you if they try

♎️Libra: Usually lazier than anyone else

♏️Scorpio: Loves to get on people's nerves

♐️Sagittarius: Hates people who make a big deal out of everything

♑️Capricorn: Complains a lot, but ends up taking care of everything themselves

♒️Aquarius: The 'always saying: I see human. not humanity' squad

♓️Pisces: Doodles without noticing while daydreaming, barely awake

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