P a r t 1:

3 0 0

(Newts POV)

"The Box is coming!" I hollered, although it was quite unneeded. The boys were already gathered. Alby and George yanked the doors open and we looked down.

"Where's the Greenie?" Nick wondered. A sound came from behind a crate. We all looked at one another, figuring it was just some scared boy. 

"Newt?" Alby asked. "You may be the most comforting of us. Wanna have a go at it?"

I paused, then jumped in. There was a startled gasp, then rustling. I walked over to the crate, carefully moving it. Suddenly, an apple flew at my face. I ducked, narrowly avoiding being hit. A couple of boys laughed, but I ignored them, seeing feet crawling under another crate. 

I(with far more caution) crouched down and moved the crate ever so slightly to find myself staring into the eyes of a girl.

I jumped, and so did she. But I quickly hid my shock, holding out my hand.

"Hello. I'm Newt." I said gently. She didn't take my hand. I retracted it. 

"Newt!" Gally called. "What do you see?" 

I looked up. Apparently they couldn't see the girl.

"Its a girl." I said. They looked confused and began clamoring.



"How old is she?"

"What does she look like?"

"Is she hot?"


I turned my attention back to the girl, who was staring. She still hadn't said anything.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked, holding out my hand again. 

She hesitated, then took it. "I'm Addison."

I helped her up, and the others gasped.

Now that she was standing, I got a better look at her. She was really pretty, with long auburn hair and brown eyes. She had pale skin and freckles dotting her face. Her lips were soft and pink, and she wore a white dress. She was tall and thin, with long legs.

She turned, staring at me again, eyes narrowed. "Where are we? Where am I?" She demanded.

"I'd tell you if we bloody knew."

Her eyes sparked with anger. "Don't lie to me."


Suddenly, she grabbed my knife from my pocket, holding it to my throat. "Don't. Lie. To. Me."

I was shocked. So were the boys, I could tell. Apparently, girls are fiercer than we'd always thought.


Then Gally lept into the Box, shaking it and nearly making Addy Rose fall. Not to mention nearly killing me.

"Don't move!" She cried. "Don't move or I'll kill him!"

I laughed, easily ducking and twisting the knife out of her grip. She cried out angrily as Gally grabbed her arms and lifted her out of the Box. I climbed out after them as the other boys jumped in and began unloading the Box.

"Alright, now you've-" Gally was cut off.

She jerked her head back, slamming into his face; twisted away. Then sprinted to the Deadheads.

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