P a r t 3:

2 0 0

(Fast-forward a week)

(Newt's POV)

"Addy!" I called, running into the Deadheads. "It's time!" 

I reached her favorite clearing, and there she was, standing innocently in a stunning white dress, holding a white-and-brown bird in her hands. She was looking at me.

I blushed, realizing I was staring. 

She let the bird fly off. "Time for the Gathering?"


We were having a Gathering for her. To set rules for the only girl in the Glade.

We walked off, making our way back to the Homestead. When we arrived, she sat in a chair in front of us, looking as perfect as possible. I limped over to my chair next to Alby. 

Actually, let me fix that: I walked over to my chair next to Alby.

We don't talk about my limp.

"Alright, so, we're here concerning Addison and the rules that should be set for her." Alby directed. "Everyone will get a chance to speak, starting with Zart."

"Well... she shouldn't just be treated like our toy. She has feelings." He said uncertianly.

"So your suggestion?"

"She should only be touched if she says so." Zart concluded.

"Ok. Frypan?"

"I agree with Zart. She should be treated fairly."

"Ok. Next?" Alby wrote down what they were saying.




"Fine. Next?"

It was my turn. "I think she should have free will. So I agree with Frypan and Zart, I guess."

"Ok. Next?"

They went around, people agreeing and disagreeing, until we reached Gally. 

"I think she should not be treated special. She should just be happy we're not throwing her out in the shucking Maze." He retorted. "I'm not even talking about the topic the rest of you are discussing. She should have to do the same work, be treated the same, and if anything be lower ranking than the lowest of us."

"Why?" I burst out. I usually loved order in Gatherings, but I couldn't stand it anymore. And if I hadn't said anything, Addy would've. Her face was red with anger.

"Why don't you mind your own buisness, Newt?" Gally retorted. 

Now my face turned red.

"Anyway," Minho inturrupted, "I think she shouldn't even get to decide. I think, for her protection, she should be totally off-limits. To everyone."

"I agree." Alby nodded. A couple others did too.

Addy looked ready to burst.

"Addison, would you like to defend yourself now?" Alby asked.

"YES! Oh, goodness, yes!" She cried, nearly leaping from her chair. "I want to be free! I want to do whatever I want, say whatever I want, be with whomever I want, and be treated not just as a simple little girl who can't do anything!"

"Um... okay, we'll take that into consideration. Time to vote. Who votes for Zart's plan?"

A few people raised their hands, including me. Although she shouldn't have, Addy did too.

"And who votes for Gally's plan?"

More people raised their hands, including Gally.

"And Minho's plan?"

My heart sank as even more people raised their hands.

"Alright, Minho's plan it is." Alby decided.

"No! No no no, that's not fair! I should get to decide!" Addy cried, standing sharply. She looked angry. She stomped her foot.

"Addison, it's been decided." Alby said, sounding a bit sympathetic.


"Addy." I said softly, walking over to her. I hugged her.

"Careful there, Newt." Gally grinned smugly. "We've only just made the rule."

My face turned red, and I glared.

The other boys just laughed.

"STOP IT! STOP!" Addy screamed, before turning and running out.

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