3 + 1 Acrobatics

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This is a 3+1 thing.
3 times the team saw Robin use acrobatics and the 1 time he showed them. 

It is still set in season 1.

Hope you enjoy.

Robyn out.


The first time the team saw Robin use acrobatics was on a mission.

It was supposed to be a covert mission (as most of their missions were supposed to be). A simple sneak in, do surveillance to get information and sneak back out. Of course it went wrong almost immediately and the villains (who couldn't really be officially called villains - they only had some half baked plan that would never work) were alerted to their presence. On this occasion (like many) it was due to Kid Flash and Artemis getting into an argument which escalated from their mental link to full out shouting.

It quickly lead to them fighting the group of extreme eco geeks, who were just a bit over the top (meaning they wanted to destroy half the human race, claiming less people meant less pollution - it would never work but it was easier to stop the nonsense now before it got any worse). The team had abandoned their hiding places around the warehouse they were in, brawling in the main hall. They weren't doing too badly despite being greatly out numbered, which of course is when things went downhill. More thugs entered the room and the team were soon surrounded by a group of well armed thugs. The fighting paused, both sides playing a game of chicken to see who would move first. To everyone's surprise Robin was the first to move - launching himself up off of Superboy who launched him up into the rafters on reflex, and disappearing from view. Thankfully it had distracted the thugs surrounding them and allowing them to leap back into action.

The team expected Robin to try and climb down carefully and re-join the fight, but to their continued surprise Robin had instead gracefully leapt across the rafters until he was on top of the largest group of thugs. With a double flip he landed on one of the thugs who had been about to shoot Artemis (she had been facing the other direction, offering cover to Aqualad) with some unknown weapon.

The acrobatics continued throughout the fight. Any time a team member glanced his way he was in the midst of some acrobatic feet - a flip here, a cartwheel there and even the occasional back flip. Even Wally who knew who Robin was and seen him use acrobatics before, was shocked at how graceful his friend was even in the midst of a fight, incorporating his acrobatics into his fighting style with ease. So it was no surprise that after all the thugs were knocked out and they had retrieved the information needed (mostly on the unknown weapons), that the team surrounded Robin and started firing off questions rapidly.

"How did you do that -?"

"What was that-?"

"Can you show me how to -?"


Aqualad, being the rational and mature one, silenced his teammates and asked calmly. "How did you preform those tricks my friend?"

But the only answer the team received was. "An old family secret." Leaving the team even more confused than before, at least they had gotten the info they were sent for.


The second time the team saw their youngest member's acrobatic skills, was back in Mount Justice.

The whole team was relaxing after a (rare successful) mission. Everyone was in their civilian clothing and enjoying the down time. M'gann was cooking cookies (and burning said cookies), Conner was attacking a punching bag (imagining it was the Blue Boy Scout himself, Superman), Artemis and Wally were arguing (about whether ornithophobia was a real fear. Wally said it was, he claimed to have it, and Artemis denied it was a real thing and that he had it), Kaldur was attempting to read a book (and failing) while being in two metres of the arguing love birds, well archer and speedster (the book had something to do with wizards on a glance at the front cover, beginning with a P) and Robin was no where to be seen.

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