Seasonal Fun

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This is set at the end of season two but Wally isn't dead. The Mountain has been rebuilt and Nightwing is back (he took a little break but is back most the time now).

Basically a bit of seasonal fun. Nightwing and Aqualad are kind of sharing leadership, Nightwing mostly runs training.

Sorry about spelling or grammar mistakes, OCCness and I own nothing.

Hope you enjoy.


It started with a snowball fight. Snow had fallen all around the newly rebuilt Mountain and half the team had been thinking wistfully about it it was often they got to just play around in the snow. The lack of focus wasn't exactly hard to notice, especially when they are in the middle of a training match. Easy to say Nightwing was getting tired of no one really paying any attention to his instructions. It was Christmas eve and everyone with families would be leaving later on in the day to spend Christmas with their family. Those who didn't have anyone would be staying with the League in the Mountain (they had decided it would be better to be on Earth for Christmas - that way they could easily respond to any threats that occurred).

Nightwing sighed, swiftly finishing his match against the very distracted Beast Boy (he of course won, Beast Boy didn't need to be distracted for that to happen though). No one really had their mind set on training today, the winter wonderland outside just seemed more appealing in their minds. Nightwing froze as a grin spread across his face, he had an idea.

"Right everyone, seeing as no one is really paying attention we are going to do something different. I'm going to put everyone into teams, I am choosing teams-." This announcement was met by groans. "Calm down, it isn't that bad." Nightwing looked around the room, trying to decide who to put with who.

"Impulse, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle and Robin, you're team one." The group looked at each, happy to be with people they could work with. Not that they couldn't work with the others it was just nice to be with friends.

"Lagoon boy, Aqualad, Artemis and Static, you're team two." The four looked at each other, it was a slightly odd pairing but Nightwing's theory was to get Lagoon boy and Aqualad talking, with Artemis as back up and still train Static at the same time.

"Guardian, Bumblebee, Wonder Girl and Batgirl, you guys are team three." The three girls looked at each other, already making plans. Guardian gulped, glad he was on their side, despite being outnumbered.

"Superboy, Miss Martian, Kid Flash. It looks like you will have to be a trio. Either way, you're team four." Nightwing shrugged, slightly annoyed at the odd number.

"Aren't you taking part 'Wing?" Beast Boy asked, his head tilted to the side.

"No, I will be observing and refereeing and, well you'll see." The sound of his tone made the people who knew him best feel nervous, that tone of voice was never good.

"I think we could help with the odd number." Everyone turned around to see Roy aka Red Arrow. In his arms was his baby daughter, Lian. "I think it is about time I got myself back into shape, and I'm sure Lian wants to meet her aunts and uncles."

"Thanks Red Arrow, that's appreciated. You will be on team 4 with Superboy, Kid Flash and Miss Martian then. I'll take care of Lian, if that is okay?" Nightwing got a smile and nod from the archer.

"Right everyone listen up. This is a training exercise, dodging, accuracy, defence and teamwork are key to this exercise. You will have twenty minutes to build a defensive structure and then fire projectiles at the other teams. No powers or abilities allowed, no contact with other team, projectiles only. When you hear the whistle you start building, another whistle will signals the start of the fight and the final whistle is the end." Nightwing paced in front of the groups looking almost like an army commander shouting instructions to his men.

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