He's back

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Claire slowly sunk to the floor, holding her bump protectivly. She didn't know what to do! She didnt know how long she had been sat there, seconds, maybe minutes, maybe hours. She kept repeating the conversation over and over in her head. " You want to make sure you keep that baby away from the fangs, we dont need any more human's to be a vamps best friend." How did they know about the baby. What was she going to do. She made a small noise in the back of her throat. Shane bent down and pulled her up into an embrace.

"Claire, you have to tell us what happened?" He raises his voice slightly causing her to flinch. "Claire I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please tell us what's happening?" Shane asked again clearly pleading to find out what had caused claire so much pain. 

"Mr Collins I think it would be best for you to sit Claire down now, given that she looks like she is about to faint. Michael please be a dear and fetch her something to eat and drink. " Amelie say's, always bossing people around. Michael being him, got up and did what she asked him to do. Coming back in from the kitchen he gave Shane a can of coke, a sandwich and a bag of marshmallows for Claire. Who was now sat in his lap on the sofa with his arms protectivly around her.

She took a bite of the sandwich, ham and cheese, with marshmallows on the side. She took a bite and then popped a marshmallow in her mouth and chewed. She quickly finished the first half of the sandwich, as she did Amelie say's to Michael, "Why such an odd combination?" 

Michael smiled at Claire, slowly Shane and Eve turn and grin at her too, daring her to tell her about her weird craving. "Well the other day I wanted something to eat, I went into the kitchen seen ham cheese and marshmallows on the counter and desided that I wanted them in a sandwich. I wanted to melt the marshmallows before eating them, I had to scrub the microwave because they exploded. Marshmallow went everywhere." Claire said looking down at her sandwich. 

"Claire it is perfectly normal to crave odd thing's when pregnant. I once knew of someone who would enjoy eating chalk during her pregnancy, your craving is normal." Amelie say's a small smile playing at her lips. "So Claire now that you have eaten, would you like to tell us what happened on the phone and who it was." 

Claire sighed and told them all about the phone call. 


After telling them all the details of the conversation more than a few times, Claire leaned her head against Shane and drifted off to sleep. She woke up about 40 minutes later with her head in Shane's lap. "Do you remember the first time you fell asleep on me, here on the sofa." Shane said. "I do, me and Michael were down here, it was his birthday, you stayed up studied and watched us play zombies. I tried so hard not to move because you were on my shoulder, Mikey went out the kitchen with Eve as she made food, I was greatful cause that ment I could look at you. I stared at you for about 20 minutes. I had to make sure I didn't do it when Michael was there, he would know what was in my eyes. I also had to resist the temptation to play with your hair and stroke the side of your face. It looked so soft"  He say's reaching his hand up to fiddle with Claire's hair and run his fingers down the side of her face. 

"I remember waking up, and feeling embarrassed, I kept thinking to my self, god I hope I didn't dribble or something. I remember looking up and seeing you looking down at me with your beautiful brown eyes and that special lopsided grin that makes butterflies appear in my stomach."

"You didn't dribble, I watched you for ages you didn't even move, I remember you waking up and asking if you could have a beer, and I said no you couldn't and you didnt like it because I told Michael that you wanted one and he said no" Shane said and laughed about the memory.

"Yeah if I remember correctly he also said that his high school girlfriend could hold her booze better than you" Claire giggled. " I had to have a beer that night to have had the courage just to stay down there with you, I felt so nervous around you" she addmitted to him.

"Look how far we've come, nearly 4 years later and your my wife, and the mother to my child." They both looked at each other and smiled. Claire got up and stretched her arms above her head. "Where is everyone?" She asked turning to look at Shane. He looked up at her, "Amelie went back to her castle and Michael and Eve left for the supermarket to get more marshmallows. Since you ate all 3 bags that we bought yesterday. Eve said, and I'm quoting her to you now 'ClaireBear would go all mommy bear on us if she wakes up and finds out there are no marshmallows here, she cried yesterday because she dropped the spoon in the sink before she stirred her coffee, woman's emotional.' Why did you cry Claire" he asks confusion and concern written all over his face. 

"I cried because my hormones are all over the place Shane." She laughs

"Any one alive in here!" Eve shouts from the front door. Claire jumps and runs to her, she tries to get Eve's shopoing bag off her before Eve say's "Calm down CB, I don't have them, Michael has your mallows!" Claire runs to him, grabs his shopping bag as he locks the door, takes out her marshmallows and hands Michael back the bag smiles then turns and goes back into the living room.

She already had opened the bag and stuffed some of the chewy marshmallow in her mouth. As she walks back into the living room the window opposite her breaks and a rock is hurled into the room, hitting Claire in the side of the leg. Causing her to fall back on to her backside. 

Shane is up and by her side as quickly as she fell over. He bends down and lifts her up. "Owww" she protested as Shane poked at where the rock hit her. Even if you didn't know him well, you could see how angry he was. 

Michael walked in and bends down, "Shane there's something attached to the rock" he say's bending down to take the note off the rock. We all look down as he unrolls the note. Everyone in the room gasps, the note was a copy of 'The Fang Report' dated for today's date. This could only mean one thing. 

Captain Obvious was back.

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