The House

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Slowly, my eyes flutter open. A noise that I didn't know I could make escapes my mouth, almost like a growl. I feel Shane laugh more than hear him, I turn my head, lift it off his shoulder and look up at him. I do my best to glare at him but it just causes him to laugh harder. I can't help but notice how his beautiful brown eyes sparkle with love as he looks at me, it makes my heart stutter. "Are you laughing at your pregnant wife. Your hormonal pregnant wife who has been known to burst into tears just because she has run out of her favorite snack." Eve calls from the passenger side.

Shane looks at Eve but pulls Claire to his side. "I would never laugh at my beautiful wife, god knows what she'd do to me. Probably put me on diaper duty for a month after the baby's born." His nose scrunching up as he thinks about the possibility of changing dirty diaper after dirty diaper. She couldn't help it she burst out laughing his expression. "That's actually a good idea, I'll keep that in mind for when you're not doing as your told from now on."

'Guy's what number was the house were staying at again' Michael called from the drivers seat. '3254, I think Mike,' Shane called from beside me.

'Well then, we're here,' he said pulling into the drive way. I looked up at the house and was amazed. The house looked just as big as the glass house. It was a two story building with two balcony's with, what looked like, glass sliding doors leading to, I assume, bedrooms. The porch was made of a wood that looked like oak. On the porch there was a swing that looked like it could hold two people as well as a table in front to put any drinks or food on it. Next to the swing was the door it was big and brown with glass panels in it and either side of it, there was flowers in the glass, it made it look like a mosaic piece. Looking closer the flowers on the door were roses.

'Wow,' eve exclaimed, 'this place looks amazing! Come one CB, lets go choose out rooms!' She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the front steps and jumped up and down until I gave her the key. She pulled me into the living rooms and I couldn't help but let my jaw drop to the floor. There was two 3 person white leather sofa's in facing towards a massive fire with logs in it ready to burn. Above the fire place was a television, it must have been about 48 inches wide, Shane and Michael would love that. Next to the television was a shelf full to hold the X-box and a stack of DVD's. The coffee table looked to be made of oak as well, and knowing Amelie it was real oak. The floor was made of wood with a big wool rug in the middle of the room, the coffee table was placed on top of it. Before I could say anything about the living room she pulls me up the stairs that were right in front as soon as you opened the door.

'OK, there are three doors on this floor. Obviously one of them is the bathroom and the other two are the bed rooms. The balcony's are on either side of the house and turn to face out towards the front so my guess is the middle door is the door to the bathroom and the other two doors are the doors two the rooms,' Eve said practically jumping on the spot. 'Which door do you want? Left or right? Door one or door two?'
'Eve!' I had to shout just to get her to stop. 'Ok now breath and calm down. What door do you want, it doesn't bother me, and we both know Shane and Michael won't care as long as there's a bed, pillow and blanket'
'True!' I heard two voices shout from down stairs and couldn't help but grin knowing that both of them are probably staining wide eyed at the X-box and the shelf full of games wondering which ones they will play first. Boys and their toys, I thought as I rolled my eyes.
'Ummm.......' Eve says, clearly trying to decide what side of the house she wanted. I had to interrupt her, 'whilst you decide on that, I will be going to the bathroom. Baby's sat on my bladder I swear it!' I said pushing my way past her.
I opened the bathroom door and my mouth fell open again, the bathroom was huge! The bath tub looked like it could fit 4 people in it, the shower was attached to the bath tub and the shower curtain was cream with gold threads through it. The mats on the floor were gold and the towels on the rack were gold, cream and white. I sat down and looked at the toilet paper, even that looked posh! I got up flushed and went to was my hands, the sink was amazing! There was a waterfall style tap with little lights that make the water change colour as it slides into the bowl. There are so many different soaps there to was your hands, I decided to choose one that is Strawberry and Vanilla.  This is amazing. I walk out of the bathroom to find Eve pointing between the other doors, I can't help but laugh at her. 'Eve what are you doing?' I asked after finally calming down enough to form a sentence.
'I can't decide which room I want!' She stomps her foot to emphasise her point.
'Well let me help you.' I said and turned and walked into the room to the right of the stairs.
'What if I wanted that one!' Eve shouted before I shut the door.
'You should have chose it then!' I said and then the door shut. I looked around the room and realised that it was really huge! Bigger than the living room down stairs. For the third time in the last hour my jaw dropped, there was a king size bed in the middle of the room made of a really dark, rich brown wood. The floor was half carpet half wooden. The carpet was a plush cream colour and covered the floor under the bed, the bed side furniture and also goes into what I assume is a wardrobe. I hear Eve's squeaks and then thumping on the floor and it confirmed that my guess was right. I look over towards the balcony and decide that I want to go out there. I open the door and walk out, I look out towards the beach and can see the sun looks to be setting and will probably be down in an hour.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by two strong arms wrapping around me and resting on my slightly swollen stomach. I lean back into him embrace and sigh in content. I feel him laughing against my back and can't help the small smile that creeps onto my face at the feel of it.
'Do you wanna go for a walk tonight before the sun sets completely?' Shane asks, you can hear the hope in his voice. I turn in his arms so I'm facing him, I grab the collar of his t-shirt and pull his lips down to mine for a small sweet kiss. What was I thinking this is Shane we are talking about. He quickly deepens the kiss, picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist. I feel something soft pressing against my back and realise that he's laid me down on the bed and is laying on top supporting his weight using his elbows and knees.
I break the kiss gasping for breath, Shane takes this as an opportunity to start kissing other places starting with my neck and working his way down to the top of my t-shirt. 'I thought you wanted to walk on the beach' I ask him breathlessly. As soon as the kissing starts it stops and Shane is pulling me to my feet and pulling me down the stairs. Before we leave the house he shouts to Eve and Michael to tell them where we'll be.
Soon I'm walking on the beach hand in hand with Shane. I lean down and take my shoes off to feel the sand against my bare feet. The feel of the dry and warm sand against my feet felt heavenly.
We start to stroll again. After about five minutes we stop and sit of the sand watching as the waves crash against the shore making soothing noses. Shane leans in close and whispers in my ear. 'When we get back I'll finish what I started.' He looks at me and winks, I couldn't help but look up at him and laugh. I leaned in to kiss him, hoping to show through the kiss just how much I love him.

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