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Micheal and Eve walk into the house to find Claire and Shane cuddled together sleeping on the sofa. Michael looks at them and smiles, raising his finger to his lips to ensure that Eve stays quiet he pulls her up stairs to their bedroom. 

They both looked so peaceful that neither he nor Eve wanted to wake them. "Aw did you see them all cuddled up on the sofa! And soon they may have a 3rd person cuddling with them! OH MY GOD Micheal what if she has twins?" Eve asks looking wide eyed at Michael. 

He looks at her with a small smile playing at his lips, "Eve, don't you think we should wait for them to tell us before we go questioning how many there are" he asks raising his eyebrow slowly. 

Eve slowly becoming less excited, nods at Michael and starts stretching and yawning showing that she is tired. Michael noticing this grabs her pajamas and hands them to her whilst slowly reaching for his own pajamas. "Sooo....." Eve say's looking wide eyed at Michael. "Want to practice making a small member of our family?" Eve asks walking seductively towards him.

He makes a small noise of agreement and slowly wraps his arms around Eve's waist pulling her against his naked chest. Eve pulls in a breath through her teeth, making it sound like a hiss. Slowly Michael kisses Eve from her neck down towards her collarbone slowly sucking, licking, and biting as he goes. She makes a small noise of appreciation in the back of her throat as he pushes her against the wall near the bed.  Wrapping her legs around his waist Eve pulls Michael against her, wow its all of Michael, all on display for her, she quickly unwraps her legs and pushes him on to the bed pulls of her t-shirt and climbs on top of him. 

Kissing him slowly, until he suddenly flips her over and she starts to laugh as he does, not thinking about the sleeping couple down stairs. 


Shane wakes to the sound of laughing drifting through the floor boards and slowly grins, knowing Michael and Eve were home and enjoying them selves. Slowly looking down, he see's Claire curled up in a ball next to him, using his leg as a pillow. Watching her, he slowly starts to think to him self that sleeping like this on the sofa can't be good for the baby. So moving slowly, he edges him self out from under Claire's head and slowly lifts her in his arms to carry her to their room, which thank god is the other end of the house to Michael's and Eve's.

Claire starts to stir as he settles her on the bed. Looking down at her he sees Claire's beautiful brown eyes as she smiles up at him slowly sitting up, still starring in his eyes. Shane not realising slowly bends down and plants a kiss on Claire's soft lips. Claire wanting nothing more than to kiss Shane, especially after the day that she'd had, reached up and wraps her hands around Shane's neck. 

Slowly she pulls Shane down so that he's led on top of her, supporting his weight on his elbows. Some how they've managed to rid them selves of both their t-shits and both pairs of trousers, leaving them both led in bed in just their underwear. Shane says breathlessly "Claire, are you sure we should be doing this with the.... you know baby un-all." Claire looking slightly pissed looks up at Shane. "Shane, just because I may be pregnant, are you listening MAY be, doesn't mean that we can't have sex. I had all the health class lessons i know that having sex during pregnancy does nothing to harm a baby growing inside me" she says pulling Shane on top of her again.

Shane not needing to be asked twice slowly rolls over so Claire is on top, he unhooks her bra and pushes her back into the bed. Slowly planting kisses down Claire's neck, Breasts and stomach, he hooks his hands into her underwear and pulls them off, making fast work of his boxers they join the rest of their clothes in a pile on the floor. Slowly reaching for a condom, Claire laughs, "Don't think we need one of them in the situation we're in Shane." He looks down at her grins and slowly eases him self down on top of her. "Ready" he asks, she nods her response and soon their both lost in their own worlds of pleasure both calling out mumbled versions of each others names. 


Claire wakes from a wonderful dream of a little girl running around a field with Shane close in tow as she tries to catch butterflies. Slowly Claire pulls her self out of bed, puts in her dressing gown whilst carrying another pregnancy test inside, hiding it from anyone she may bump into on the landing. Claire leans against her bedroom door listening for anyone on the landing, after listening for a while and convincing her self that all 3 of her room mates were down stairs she hurry's to the bathroom to do another test.

After doing the same as yesterday, following the instructions, Claire patiently waits the required five minutes before looking at the test. Slowly turning it over, Claire sees a small pick plus in the results box. Positive, again. With a sigh Claire picks up the packaging and puts it back in her pocket, doing the same this time, she goes to her bedroom to put the tests together. 

Slowly she walks down the stairs to the kitchen, hoping that nothing in there will set of her morning sickness. Shane, hearing her walk in, pulls his eyes away from the frying pan to look at Claire,  slowly she nods hoping he will understand what she means. Looking back the frying pan with a huge grin on his face Claire realises that he was hoping for that result and slowly walks to the fridge to get out the orange juice to pour her self a glass, when doing that she spots left over pizza that has been left in there from the day before, with out realising she grabs a slice, sits on the counter next to Shane and starts eating it. 

Shane looking at her walks up and whispers in her ear "Can we tell them, I want to see the shocked look on their faces." Claire, to busy stuffing her face to care, just nods at Shane.

Shane turning to his  best friends says "We have some news for you two" looking at Eve and Michael. They exchange a look and look back at Shane smiling. Shane slowly reaches behind him to grab Claire's hand, the one not holding the pizza to her face, and says "We're gonna have a baby!" 

Eve jumps from her seat jumps up and down saying "I knew it! I knew it!" 

Claire looks at Eve confused, "How did you know, I only found out yesterday!" Claire looks at her best friend with a shocked expression on her face. "Well dummy," Eve say's looking at Claire. " next time you buy pregnancy tests, don't leave your receipt in my car" grinning from ear to ear Eve hugs Claire. 

Claire looks at Shane and laughs, hugging her best friend back. Michael walks up to Shane and slaps him on the back, "well done brother" he says smiling. 

"Thanks bro." Shane says with tears in his eyes.

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