Chapter 11 - Wagon Ride

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My mind spun all night from the deadly encounter and my new spike in power. I still had a dose of valera root pumping through my veins, so it took hours for my heart and mind to relax, but they eventually did. And I slept. For about three hours.

The warm, creeping rays of light from the sunrise woke me. Tara was already awake and cooking something over the fire in a tin cup.

I yawned and nearly gave into the temptation of more sleep, but I shook my head to clear it and slowly lifted myself from the ground.

I gestured to her cup. "Cooking something?" This would be a first.

"I found some eggs," she said. "And before you ask, I will share." She glanced to the cup and back at me. "Consider it a thanks for getting me this far. I'll be glad to have this part of the journey behind us."

This part hadn't been so bad unless she was referring to a certain bandit sneaking into camp. But she didn't know about that, so it must be that she just didn't like long, barren, boring roads.

"I'd love some eggs. Thank you, Tara. Where'd you get them?"

She tilted her head up and to the left. "In a tree not far from here. Found a nest."

I cocked an eyebrow at her. "Good work. They always say breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

She looked at me curiously before using a cloth to pass me the hot tin cup.

Inside were two eggs, sunny side up, although a bit overcooked.

"Both of these are for me?" I asked.

She nodded.

I lifted the cup and slurped both eggs down in seconds. It could have used some salt.

I was thankful for her initiative. It was going to be another long day of walking, and I needed something to boost my energy. Something that wasn't an addictive drug.

That Roadtripper perk would have come in handy, but even in my exhausted state, I still felt like I had made the right call by choosing Devastating Strike.

"Thank you. Those were delicious." I let out a contented sigh and handed Tara the cloth and tin back.

She almost smiled at me, but perhaps my mind was just playing tricks on me. She seemed in good spirits, but I had no doubt it would be another quiet walk with Tara. At least I had Val to talk to.

I was beginning to trust that Val genuinely wanted to help me grow stronger and that she was serious about taking on the Triarchy together. I still didn't know her grand plan, and she was reluctant to share more than what she felt I needed to know, but I hoped we could at least ruin their fun and eventually discover a way to find my wife.

While my trust was growing, I knew she had her own interests and motivations. Part of me still worried that she would cut me loose the moment she decided I didn't have what it took.

If that were the case, I'd just have to prove her wrong.

Tara and I packed up our meager camp and left the forest. I kept a happy face and tried to act normal despite the guilt I carried for killing another human. I didn't know if Tara noticed anything different about me; if she did, she didn't say anything.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked as we connected with the main road.

"I've slept better, but I managed," Tara said. "You?"

Wow, she reciprocated the question. What a breakthrough. "I could have used a few more hours, to be honest. I prefer my own bed to the ground."

"I had assumed someone like you would be used to sleeping on the ground."

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