Chapter 2: A Growing Connection

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The hallways buzzed with the usual morning chatter, students weaving in and out of conversations as they rushed to classes or lingered by lockers. But Allora barely noticed. Her mind was still stuck on the conversation with her mother that morning. The weight of her words—the disapproval, the doubt—pressed heavily on her chest.

Psychology wasn't practical. Psychology wouldn't lead to a stable future. It was a refrain she'd heard a thousand times, but somehow it felt sharper today. Maybe because part of her knew that as much as she wanted to break free, a piece of her was still tied to the idea of making her mother proud.

"Earth to Allora." Brielle's voice snapped her back to the present. She waved a hand in front of Allora's face, a smirk tugging at her lips. "You look like you're about to fall into a black hole of doom and despair. What's going on in that head of yours?"

Allora shook her head, forcing a small smile. "Nothing. Just... the usual."

Brielle rolled her eyes as they headed to their lockers. "You've got to stop letting Helene live rent-free in your brain, babe. It's senior year! You're supposed to be thinking about parties, road trips, and... oh, I don't know, your own dreams?"

"You make it sound so easy," Allora said, her voice soft but grateful for Brielle's constant encouragement.

"Because it should be," Brielle replied, adjusting the strap of her bright purple bag. "But, lucky for you, I'm here to remind you that you've got options. Don't let her guilt-trip you into doing something you hate."

Allora wanted to believe Brielle, but it never felt that simple. Every time she tried to push back, the guilt came flooding in. And the worst part was, a small part of her wondered if her mother was right. What if psychology wasn't the right choice? What if she really did end up with nothing to show for it?

They walked in silence for a moment before Brielle suddenly elbowed her, nodding toward the end of the hall. "Hey, isn't that the new guy? Aiden Blackwood?"

Allora followed Brielle's gaze and spotted Aiden, standing by the window at the far end of the hall. He had an air of quiet mystery about him, always somewhat apart from the usual high school chaos. His dark hair fell slightly into his eyes as he stared out the window, lost in thought.

"Yeah, that's him," Allora said, a little too quickly.

Brielle raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening. "Oh, that's him, huh? Why don't you go talk to him? He seems like your kind of guy—quiet, broody, probably loves deep conversations about life and the universe."

Allora shot her a look. "Brielle, stop."

"I'm just saying." Brielle shrugged, glancing over at Aiden again. "You've been looking miserable all morning, and that guy looks like the cure to whatever gloom cloud you've been walking around under."

"I'm not... I mean, I barely know him," Allora protested, even as her heart thudded a little faster at the thought. "We've only talked once or twice."

Brielle rolled her eyes again. "Girl, this is high school. That's all the time you need. Go. I'll meet you in class."

Before Allora could protest further, Brielle gave her a playful shove in Aiden's direction and skipped off to class with a grin on her face. Allora stood frozen for a moment, her heart hammering in her chest. The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly between her and Aiden, but somehow, her feet started moving on their own.

As she walked toward him, Aiden turned slightly, catching her approach. His expression was calm, almost unreadable, but there was something about the way his eyes softened when they landed on her that made her feel a little less anxious.

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