Chapter 6: More Than Friends

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Sierra Knight was used to having everything in order. Her life was carefully organized, from her schoolwork to her extracurriculars, to her future college plans. But when it came to her best friend, Alistair, that's where the chaos started.

They'd been inseparable since they were three years old, practically growing up together in each other's houses, spending weekends riding bikes through the neighborhood and creating wild, imaginary worlds in their backyards. He'd always been the one constant in her life, the one person who could make her laugh no matter how stressful things got.

Even now, as they walked through the crowded school hallway, Sierra felt the familiar tug of comfort knowing Alistair was by her side, his easygoing grin plastered on his face. He was telling some ridiculous story, complete with animated hand gestures, about how he'd nearly burned his eyebrows off trying to start the grill at a family barbecue the night before.

"—and then the flame just shot up! I swear, if I didn't have cat-like reflexes, I'd be walking around here with no eyebrows," Alistair finished, his hazel eyes twinkling with amusement.

Sierra rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress the laugh that escaped her. "You're such an idiot."

"I prefer the term 'adventurous,'" he said with a wink, nudging her playfully. "But hey, if me almost torching my face made you laugh, it was totally worth it."

She smiled, shaking her head. That was the thing about Alistair—he could always make her laugh, no matter what. He had this way of turning even the most mundane things into something hilarious, and it was hard not to feel lighter when he was around. Sometimes she wondered how he managed to stay so carefree, while she always felt like the weight of her future was looming over her.

As they reached their lockers, Alistair turned to her, still grinning. "So, what's the plan for after school? You want to go grab milkshakes? Or I can help you with your student council stuff. Whatever you need, you know I'm your guy."

That was the other thing about Alistair—he was always there for her. No matter what. He'd drop everything just to be by her side, and she didn't think twice about relying on him. It was how it had always been, ever since they were kids.

"I don't know yet," Sierra replied, grabbing a textbook from her locker. "I have some things I need to take care of for the council, but maybe we can grab milkshakes after? I'll let you know."

"Sounds like a plan," he said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "I'm just a text away, as usual."

She smiled at him, feeling that familiar warmth settle in her chest. Alistair always made everything seem easier, like it would all work out in the end. And maybe that's why she never thought too hard about their friendship. It was just easy. There wasn't any need to complicate it.

But lately... lately there had been moments. Moments where she'd catch him looking at her, and her heart would skip a beat. Moments where she'd notice the way his smile lingered a little too long, or the way he stood just a little closer than usual. She brushed those feelings aside, chalking it up to the fact that they'd been friends forever. But every now and then, she wondered if there was something more lurking beneath the surface.

Of course, everyone else seemed to have their own opinions on the matter.

"You guys are basically a couple," Brielle had said the other day during lunch, teasing Sierra about the way Alistair had brought her lunch when she'd forgotten hers.

"He's practically in love with you," Isla had added, more gently but with that same knowing look.

Sierra had rolled her eyes and waved them off. They didn't get it. She and Alistair were just friends. They always had been. It wasn't like that. Was it?

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