Chapter 12: Childhood and Warnings

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The day had passed in a blur of classes, conversations, and the ever-present pull of homework looming over her, but Allora had something else on her mind as she packed up her things after school. It wasn't just the literature assignment or the mountain of study notes awaiting her at home—it was Aiden. After everything they'd been through in the past weeks, after his late-night visit and their honest conversation, there was something between them now, a deeper connection she couldn't quite name but couldn't ignore either.

"Hey, Aiden," Allora called as they both walked out of the building. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the pavement, the cool breeze a welcome relief after the stuffy classrooms.

Aiden glanced over, his expression lighter than it had been in days. He was finally starting to seem more like himself, and it made Allora smile. "What's up?"

"I was thinking... want to come over? We could get a start on that history homework," she said, her tone casual, but inside she felt a tiny knot of excitement. "And... maybe hang out afterward?"

Aiden raised an eyebrow, a playful grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Hang out? Are you actually suggesting something fun, Whitestone?"

Allora rolled her eyes but laughed. "We'll see about that. You in or what?"

"I'm in," Aiden said, falling into step beside her. As they made their way to her house, the conversation flowed easily between them, the tension from the last few days forgotten, replaced by the familiar comfort they had always shared.

When they arrived at Allora's house, the warm scent of something delicious cooking in the kitchen greeted them at the door. Allora kicked off her shoes, leading Aiden through the entryway and toward the living room, where they could spread out their textbooks and pretend to be productive.

"This is nice," Aiden said, glancing around. "You've got that whole cozy family vibe going on here."

"Thanks," Allora said, smiling as she threw her bag onto the couch. "It's not much, but it's home."

Just as they were settling in, the sound of footsteps echoed from the hallway, and Helene Whitestone appeared in the doorway, her sharp eyes immediately locking onto Aiden. For a split second, her expression froze, and Allora noticed the way her mother's gaze swept over him—intense and almost... confused.

"Mom, this is Aiden," Allora began, feeling the sudden tension in the room. "He's a friend from school. We're just working on some homework."

Aiden, ever polite, stood up and offered a small, respectful smile. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Whitestone."

Helene blinked, her expression softening as she took a step closer. "Aiden? Aiden Blackwood?"

Both Allora and Aiden exchanged puzzled glances. Helene's face broke into a wide, genuine smile, her eyes bright with recognition. "I can't believe this. Allora, you and Aiden were childhood best friends! You used to spend every summer together until his family moved away when you were nine."

Allora's eyes widened, her mouth slightly open in shock. "Wait, what? We... we were?"

Aiden's brow furrowed as he looked at Helene, processing the information. "I... don't remember that."

Helene laughed lightly, waving her hand dismissively. "It was so long ago, I'm not surprised. You were both so young, but the two of you were inseparable back then. Aiden, you and Allora used to build forts in the backyard, and you'd always get into mischief together. When your family moved, Allora was heartbroken."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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