Chapter 3: The Circle Grows

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The soft hum of chatter filled the classroom as Allora and Brielle slipped into their seats. It was the start of a long day, and the tension from the morning still clung to Allora like a thick fog. Her conversation with Aiden had given her a brief moment of peace, but as she sat there, her mind circled back to the gnawing weight of her future and her mother's disappointment.

Brielle, seated beside her, leaned over. "So, are you planning to mope all day or are we going to do something about it?"

Allora gave a half-hearted smile. "I'm not moping."

"Uh-huh." Brielle gave her a skeptical look. "I'm just saying, you can't let this ruin your whole day. If it helps, you can vent to Isla and Sierra at lunch. Those two are always good for a distraction."

As if on cue, Isla Starr entered the classroom, her quiet presence barely noticed by most of the students. Isla, with her soft waves of chestnut hair falling just past her shoulders and her calm, thoughtful expression, slipped into a seat near the back, settling in without a word. She gave Allora a small wave when she spotted her, and Allora smiled back.

Isla had always been the kind of person who could float through a room like a breeze—quiet, observant, and unobtrusive. But despite her reserved nature, Allora knew that Isla paid attention to everything. Isla had a way of noticing the things that others missed, and her dry sense of humor often caught people off guard.

"See? There's Isla," Brielle said with a grin. "She's always good for some weird comment to pull you out of your funk. Plus, Sierra's meeting us for lunch, right? She'll have half the school's drama to update us on."

Sierra Knight, Allora's other close friend, was the complete opposite of Isla. Where Isla was quiet and introspective, Sierra was driven and intense, her eyes always focused on the next big goal. If there was one person in their group who knew how to keep things moving forward, it was Sierra. She was always balancing ten things at once—school clubs, projects, her future college applications—all while managing to keep a competitive but friendly rivalry with Allora.

"Yeah, Sierra said she'd meet us in the quad for lunch," Allora replied. "She's probably busy organizing another club meeting or plotting world domination."

Brielle chuckled. "World domination seems about right."

The first few classes passed in a blur, and Allora's thoughts kept drifting between the overwhelming pressure from home and the confusing spark she felt with Aiden. By the time lunch rolled around, she was grateful for the break.

As they made their way to the quad, Brielle nudged Allora's shoulder. "So, are you going to talk to Sierra about what's been going on? She's the queen of practical advice, you know."

Allora shrugged. "I don't know. She'll probably tell me to just do what my mom wants."

Brielle snorted. "Sierra might be practical, but she's not a robot. She'll tell you to do what's best for you, but in her own Sierra way."

They found a spot at their usual table under the large oak tree in the middle of the quad. Sierra Knight was already there, her notebook open as she scribbled furiously, no doubt planning her next big project. Her sleek, dark hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and her sharp eyes flicked up as soon as they approached.

"Allora! Brielle!" Sierra greeted them, closing her notebook and tucking it into her bag. "I was wondering when you'd get here."

"Still planning the takeover of the world?" Brielle teased, dropping her bag onto the bench.

Sierra smirked, the corner of her lips tugging upward. "Not quite. Just organizing the next fundraiser for the student council. Someone has to make sure things don't fall apart around here."

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