Chapter 2

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Inheriting a Draconian Mantle – Book 2

By Stargatesg1fan1

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognized characters or universes within. If I did…I would have ended the Inheritance Cycle with Arya and Eragon in love and entangled in a heated, naked, and sweaty mess in their bed. Harry Potter would have been smarter and taken every opportunity he had to make love to the gorgeous Miss Granger and when they were old enough he would have made her the next Mrs. Potter.

Females Bonded by Harry Potter So Far (In Books One and Two):

Nymphadora 'Nym' Tonks is played by Sarah Chalke

Hermione Granger is played by Emma Watson

Susan Bones is played by Karen Gillian

Cho Chang is played by Katie Leung

Ginny Weasley is played by Julie McNiven

IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM - IaDM

Harry and Saphira confirmed their suspicion about the entrance to the Chamber being around the bathroom Myrtle was haunting the next night. Although it was quite feint the two immortals with quite above human senses could smell the scent of a massive serpent. A large basilisk does not slither around the hallways of a castle without leaving some of its scent behind. The scent still lingered even fifty years later for those who were attuned enough to detect it.

"We should confirm that Myrtle was killed by a basilisk," Saphira suggested.

"You're right of course," Harry agreed as he got off of Saphira and pushed through the door of the nearby girl's bathroom once he was visible.

The ghost of the teenage girl Myrtle floated out of one of the stalls of the decrepit bathroom. When she spotted Harry, Myrtle's expression lit up.

"You aren't a girl," Myrtle declared happily. "You're too cute to be a girl," the ghost announced before letting out a little giggle.

"Why thank you Myrtle. It's always nice when people notice I'm not a girl," the mage declared.

Friendliness got more information than negative reactions. Harry had heard of Myrtle's reputation for being emotionally volatile and easy to upset. The Rider did not want to risk setting Myrtle off into a crying fit. Unknown to the Potter mage his aura of attraction granted by his bonding with Saphira was affecting even the female ghost present, making her more amiable to him.

"Myrtle, this might be a sensitive subject…but how exactly did you die?" Harry inquired gently.

"Well I don't normally talk about it but I was in this bathroom crying, in that stall right over there," Myrtle explained while indicating a stall a few doors to the right. "I didn't pay it much attention at the time but I recall hearing a grinding noise, like two stone slabs being rubbed together. I heard a rubbing sound like something large was crawling around in the bathroom. Then I opened the door of my stall and saw huge yellow eyes. It was the last thing I ever saw while living. I heard the professors talking about it after I died. They used to think it was Slytherin's monster that got me but Headmaster Dumbledore made them stop talking about it."

Inheriting a Draconian Mantle Book 2 by stargatesg1fan1 Where stories live. Discover now