𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫. ( in the absence of darkness, there is light )

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           Without anything to pack, we're left in a state of limbo. The doctors clear us to leave hesitantly, with the stipulation that we find medical care as soon as we land in District 4. We're in stable health now, wonders worked by Capitol medicine. Finnick's crutches are swapped with a wheelchair to simplify our travel and reduce the strain on him. Despite how grave Finnick's condition was only a few days previous, my physical therapy is now the chief reason for concern. I'm given lengthy printed packets about recovery and exercise which I promise to read in full.

Once given our last checks, we're given powerful rounds of antibiotic pills and rolls of sterilized wound dressings to stuff into our pockets with words of just in case heavy on the lips of our care providers. While it seems to be the opinion of everyone we encounter that we should stay for a bit longer, all of us are antsy to move away from the center of action.

It's Finnick, of course, who suggests that we say goodbye to everyone that we're leaving behind. My initial response is that we don't have many friends to speak of, but I'm quickly proven wrong when he lists off names that make me feel ashamed of my assessment. Our last afternoon in the Capitol is spent trying our best to track down everyone who deserves a proper final farewell.

Giovani and Fierian are back in their grand house, bunker sealed shut tightly, memories left to suffocate underground. We sit down for a late lunch with them in a huge dining hall. The three boys are surprisingly well mannered despite their behavior in the bunker, which I suppose I can't hold against them (after all, none of us were on our best behavior. I did end our stay by attacking a medic). The food is still procured from a can, but heating it in the microwave and putting it on fine china does a great deal to make the affair more cheerful. We leave them behind with well wishes and hugs. They promise that they'll visit as soon as they can.

It takes a bit more hunting to track down Cressida. We all exchange handshakes and thank you's when we find her filming a flag burning ceremony on the street leading up to the mansion. She informs us that Pollux has reunited with his mother in the city and probably won't be taking visitors anytime soon. We ask her to pass on our condolences when she sees him next. While we never grew particularly close with the camera crew, I find that I do feel some level of regret at our parting. We've been cemented together through terrible circumstances, a bond of sorrow that won't soon break.

The dwindling list of remaining friends is unsurprisingly filled only with victors now. For the life of us, we can't find Johanna, but Magnus finds us as we wander the mansion, stopping us in our tracks with cantankerous calls. He's heard that we're planning on leaving in the morning and insists that he travels with us. We all agree that he can come, feeling guilty for not considering him before.

The District 3 trio is together when we stumble across them. They pass on blunt regards for our health and safety, and though I can sense the confusion in my traveling companions, I know that this is a heartfelt goodbye by their standards. We're not much more than colleagues to them, brought together to work on a special project for a few years.

They're able to point us in Haymitch's direction when Finnick inquires about Katniss. None of us were ever close with the District 12 mentor, so we decide to split up for fear of overwhelming him. Finnick and I are the only ones close enough to Katniss for it to matter, so Gloss and Ronan head back to the room to rest while we pursue the thread.

Our first knock on the heavy wooden bedroom door warrants only a dull call to cease. The second produces a much louder call to leave. The third attempt has the door pulled open and a spitting mad man replacing it as a front. He's almost instantly cowed when he sees the two of us.

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