Whispers of the Flame

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N knocked his fist against the door. The person on the other side sticks out an m2 browning from the slat. It would be a pretty scary sight if the person holding it wasnt shaking in fear.

"I'm the doctor you asked for?" He says. The barrel slowly goes back inside.

"Wait." J shoves her arm in front of N, "put down your guns, then we'll come in." J smiled at N and strode into the apartment complex first.

The interior had been painted over 3 years ago. Though months of growing insanity left deep gashes in the latex by fingers.

"Oh thank God! Doctor..."

"Just call me Nermel."

"Are you sure you have a cure?"

"Of course I do. There are side effects of course." N tugged listlessly at the chain around V's neck, who seemed to revel in the growing terror felt by the guards.

"Don't worry, she won't bite. She's more of a pet now."

Even the chance of turning the bomber drones docile was enough to make the head of this colony believe his lies. He took out a pair of keys and smiled.

"Doctor, please come this way!"

N saw the numerous children watching him. The pit in his stomach grew worse by the second. J kept the radio strapped to her back, a song from the 40's was playing. They began to descend down the stairs, starting at floor 3, with the temperature slowly dropping as they reached the 1st floor. After climbing over a mound of ice, the four of them finally reached the basement.

"This is where we house the bomber drones." He said. The metal door was reinforced small pistons, galvanized hinges, metal plating, and 3 sliding metal bars.

"As you can see, we also keep it connected to a power source. Press this switch-"

J pushed him out of the way.

"Out of the way, old man." She said, The man grabbed her coattails, which kicked out the loose yellow armband. N swiped his machete, cutting the drone in half before it could even conceive he had just doomed his people. Realizing no one else was watching, V stood up.

The screams and manic laughter banging through the door finally dawned on the three.

"Permission to open the door?" J asked, practically salivating.

"Not yet." N said, he tapped an analog earpiece.

"H, are you-"

"Don't worry, N-boy. I've been in position for the past hour." he replied, "leave me alone, I'm in an important call."

"How unprofessional, you're supposed to say 'over'."

"Alright," N said, "Here we go."

J twists the dial on her radio. The music grew louder until it drowned out the screams.


It's a blessing and a curse to be a Jensen asset. Once your planet began to show diminishing returns, you'd become a dumping ground, but you were also free. When Jensen never came back for us it was like a dream come true. When the clueless combat drones had landed, we believed this fantasy even more. But reality came back with a vengeance. Jensen was back in town, and the nightmare had begun again.

I stood over the decomposing corpse in the mortuary. The green tiles glisten beneath the steel board the woman laid on. I only knew that because of her physique when Berkham stripped her down and removed the metal plates screwed onto her frames beneath her flesh.

"You gotta stop bringing these folks down here, the bodies keep getting stolen in transfer. Any day now JC Jensen is gonna try and sue us for property damage."

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