1: A New Beginning

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The Screen Opens up to a Damaged City

1 Month Later

We see Nexus City still in ruins as we can hear fighting

The scene transitions on the streets of Nexus City as we see men in suits being eliminated

And we see someone stabbing a person from the silhouettes in the windows as one broke and a man fell

All Might: after everything there is still fighting?

All for One: what would you expect from a world thrown out of order.

Nana: and what kind of order are you promoting you vile monster?

All for One: where people don't get discriminated because they're quirk is weak and get special treatment when it's strong.

Izuku: then what about Quirkless people?

All for One: I will give them a random Quirk.

Gran Torino: talk about god complex.

All for One: hey if everyone is not killing each other what's the harm?

Salem: I don't want to agree with him but a world where everyone is just normal because when everyone is Super No one Truly is.

Ozpin: but One Person ruling it all is still questionable.

All for One: someone has to keep the peace.

Glynda: just one person is just....

All for One: hey if you want nothing done Form a Committee.

Nezu: sadly what he says about nothing done. Is true I could have done many things along with U.A without the bureaucracy and politics getting in the way.

Ironwoods: Politics is nothing but a delaying tactic to get nothing done.

We see someone walk out and it was someone familiar

It was a Blonde young man wearing black armor with a sword and shield

Then a man in a suit walks out

Mafia Goon: who are you? Why are you doing this?

Jaune Arc: Half of the Universe had Thanos. 'You' get 'Me'.

Pyrrha: Jaune!?

Ruby: what is he doing?

The Hero Killer smirks

Stain: Taking out the remaining Garbage.

Those people are syndicates.

Eri had flashbacks to that and was scared Mirio held her close as she calms down Izuku saw this and gave her a reassuring glance

Inko woke up and thanked Izuku for watching over her

Nana: are you okay honey?

Inko: yes Mom. What happened?

Izuku: well the viewing just resumed so we're back to Nexus.

We see the man tried to defend himself as Jaune Arc sliced his legs making him kneel

Mafia Goon: please! Spare me! I won't commit crimes ever again! Please!

Jaune Arc: Evil Should Not be Tolerated.

He then stabs him in the chest, he then pulls out his sword and swung it to clean off the blood off it

Leon: he has changed.........and not in a good way.

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