10: Special I AM ( One-Shot )

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Ghost: so this is a New World. Something we haven't seen before.

Ruby: ooh I hope it's good!

Fran: yay more awesome moments with Father!

Jessica: yeah it's nice to see sides of Jaune I never got to see.

Pyrrha: was he really that bad?

Jessica: yeah. But he's getting better.

Ghost: welp let's get started everyone, this might be long so let's get to it.

The screen opens up to a hi-tech looking city

We then see a robot of some kind with a red and blue color scheme

Ruby: ooh! What is that? 

Penny: it seems to be a Robot.

Ghost: actually that is a Cybertronian from the Planet Cybertron.

Pietro: Cybertron?

Ghost: it's basically a alien mechanical race.

Nora: ooh can they transform?

Ren: Nora don't be....

Ghost: actually they can.

Pyrrha: what?

Nora: YAY! I was Correct!

Ghost: ( you are scarily correct many times.......)

He looks to the reader

Jaunedice: ( Stop it with the 4th Wall breaks! The Barrier just got to 70% you prick! )

Ghost: well there is an explanation in just a few moments so I'll let the world do that for us.

Pyrrha: is that Robot Jaune?

Ghost: like I said I'll let the world answer for you.

Security lasers could be seen in his path

Weiss: is he breaking in?

Winter: what is this place?

Ghost: it's an archive.

Ironwood: ah a troublemaker by the looks of it.

He then sneakily passes the security systems and pilfers some data disks from the shelves

Robot: Okay, let's see what we got here. See, let's see.

Hmm.  Ah... Here we go.

He then makes his way to the center of the room where some sort of table with a slot was found

He inserts it into the slot but instead of playing outright it glitches on repeat, he then pulled out the card and blows on it and re inserts it again

Yang: wow even in an alien civilization they have that issue like we have with those retro games.

Weiss: I guess somethings will remain constant.

Ruby: SHHH! Look!

Penny was taking many notes as she kicks up her speed as seeing these Cybertronians has gotten her full attention

Pietro was also taking notes but was chuckling at his daughter's antics

Narrator: At the dawn of time, there was our gracious and powerful creator, Primus.

To protect our universe, he sacrificed his life force, transforming himself into our planet, Cybertron.

From within Cybertron's core, Primus birthed the first Transformers known as the Primes, the most powerful Transformers, appointed to lead and protect future generations.

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