016. 𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝗈𝗇, 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌.

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the sun hung low in the sky as felix made his way to the park after school, a soft breeze rustling the leaves around him

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the sun hung low in the sky as felix made his way to the park after school, a soft breeze rustling the leaves around him. today, he wore a different hoodie, one that felt comfortable but didn’t carry the warmth of hyunjin’s. yet, he still clutched the heart locket under his shirt, its weight a reminder of the connection they shared.

when felix arrived, he spotted hyunjin sitting on a bench, his smile brightening the late afternoon. “hey, felix!” hyunjin called, waving him over. felix felt his cheeks warm at the sight of him, a mix of excitement and nervousness swirling within.

“hey,” felix replied, sliding onto the bench next to hyunjin. they exchanged shy smiles, the silence between them comfortable rather than awkward.

“i was thinking,” hyunjin began, leaning back against the bench, “this is really becoming our spot, isn’t it?”

felix felt a flutter in his chest at the idea, a soft warmth spreading through him. “yeah, right,” he said, his smile widening slightly. it was nice to have a place that felt like theirs, a small corner of the world where he could be himself.

they began to stroll through the park, the air filled with the scent of grass and blooming flowers. hyunjin pointed out a patch of daisies swaying in the wind. “look at those! they’re really pretty.”

“yeah,” felix agreed quietly, his gaze following hyunjin’s. “i like how they just… grow anywhere.”

“totally! it’s like they don’t care about the rules,” hyunjin said, his enthusiasm contagious. “kind of like us, right?”

felix felt a wave of happiness wash over him at the thought. “yeah, right,” he said, a small smile breaking through. “it feels nice here.”

as they found a quiet bench overlooking a small pond, hyunjin turned to felix, his expression thoughtful. “you know, your freckles are really cute,” he said, glancing at felix’s face.

felix’s face flushed at the compliment. “thanks, but you can barely see them now that it’s getting fall,” he replied, glancing down, a little shy.

“no, really,” hyunjin insisted, a genuine smile on his face. “they’re still there. i can see them.”

felix shifted slightly, feeling shy yet flattered. “you’re just being nice.”

“no, i mean it,” hyunjin said, his tone sincere. “they suit you. it’s part of what makes you… you.”

felix felt his heart race at the words, warmth spreading through him. he wanted to lean against hyunjin’s shoulder, to soak in the comfort of his presence, but he hesitated, unsure if he could take that step.

“it’s nice being here with you,” hyunjin said, breaking the silence. “i feel like we can just be ourselves.”

felix nodded, the words resonating deeply within him. “yeah, it is,” he replied softly.

but as the afternoon sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the park, felix felt a shift in his mood. he knew that soon he would have to go home, where he wouldn’t feel as accepted. he found himself thinking of his parents, how they still called him felicia and never seemed to understand him.

as they walked back toward the exit of the park, hyunjin’s expression turned serious. “hey, you okay?” he asked, noticing the change in felix’s demeanor.

“i’m fine,” felix replied quickly, though his voice didn’t carry the same lightness as before.

“you sure? you look a bit… off,” hyunjin pressed, concern in his eyes.

felix hesitated, unsure how to articulate his feelings without bringing the mood down. “it’s just… home, you know?” he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

hyunjin nodded, understanding without needing an explanation. “if you ever want to talk about it… i’m here.”

felix smiled faintly, appreciating the sentiment. “thanks, hyunjin.”

as they approached felix’s house, he could feel the familiar knot tightening in his stomach. he took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever awaited him inside. before he opened the door, he glanced at hyunjin.

“see you tomorrow?” he asked, hoping to keep the good feelings from their time together alive just a little longer.

“of course,” hyunjin replied, his smile returning. “don’t forget, we have to finish that project soon!”

felix chuckled softly, feeling lighter for a moment. “yeah, I won’t forget.”

as he turned to go inside, he was greeted by his parents’ voices. “felicia! you’re home late,” his mother called out, a hint of irritation in her tone. “what were you doing out there?”

“just hanging out,” felix replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

“hanging out? with who? you really should spend more time studying,” his father chimed in, disappointment lacing his words.

“i’m fine,” felix said, feeling the familiar sting of their misunderstanding.

“you could try harder to be more social. we worry about you,” his mother added, her voice cutting deeper than she likely intended.

felix clenched his jaw, the warmth from the park fading away. “i’m not a problem,” he snapped before he could stop himself, instantly regretting the tone. but it was too late.

“watch your tone, young lady,” his father reprimanded, his voice harsh.

as he retreated to his room, felix felt the weight of their words pressing down on him, the warmth of his day with hyunjin slipping away. he sank onto his bed, clutching the heart locket tightly in his hand, hoping it could bring him some comfort.

 he sank onto his bed, clutching the heart locket tightly in his hand, hoping it could bring him some comfort

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