001. 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗌 𝖺 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖽𝗈𝗈𝗋𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖼𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝖽.

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the classroom hummed with quiet chatter, the shuffling of backpacks, and the soft scratch of pencils on paper

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the classroom hummed with quiet chatter, the shuffling of backpacks, and the soft scratch of pencils on paper. it was an ordinary school day, but to felicia, every minute felt like it stretched on forever. she sat at the back of the room, head down, hoping to blend into the background. her hoodie was pulled tight, hiding as much of her body as possible, the fabric hanging loose over her small frame.

beneath the desk, her fingers absentmindedly toyed with a small red car, hidden in the pocket of her hoodie. it was worn, chipped at the edges, but its weight brought her a strange kind of comfort. she pressed it between her fingers, feeling its shape, a reminder of something she couldn't quite name. it was a relic from a time when the world felt simpler, a gift from a childhood friend who had long since drifted away.

today, however, something was different. there was a new student, and the quiet tension in the room rippled as the teacher introduced him.

"this is hyunjin. he's just transferred here, so let's all make him feel welcome," the teacher announced, his voice flat as if this was routine.

felicia didn't look up. she never did when new people arrived. it was easier to remain invisible, to stay in the shadows where no one would notice her, where no one would see the things she was trying so hard to hide. she shifted in her seat, her heart racing as she felt a sudden wave of anxiety wash over her. the classroom buzzed with whispered comments about hyunjin-his hair, his style, his apparent coolness.

"he's cute," someone murmured from the front row. felicia cringed inwardly, feeling her cheeks heat up as she wondered what they would say about her if they only knew. she was acutely aware of how she appeared to others-awkward, shy, lost in a world that seemed to celebrate everything she wished to escape.

"hyunjin, why don't you take the empty seat next to felicia?" the teacher's words pierced through her thoughts, and she felt her stomach twist. of all the seats in the room, why did it have to be next to her?

she glanced to her left, her gaze briefly meeting hyunjin's. he was looking around, his expression calm and friendly, completely unaware of her internal turmoil. he caught her eye and offered a small smile, one that made her heart race even faster. felicia quickly looked down, her fingers tightening around the toy car hidden in her pocket. she felt exposed, as if the entire class could see the struggle that raged within her.

as hyunjin settled into the seat beside her, she focused intently on her notebook, trying to push away the discomfort swelling in her chest. she scribbled mindlessly, her handwriting a chaotic mess as she tried to concentrate on the lesson. but her thoughts kept drifting back to him-what he thought of her, why he was here, and whether he would even notice her at all.

the class went on, and the teacher began explaining a complex math problem, but felicia barely registered the words. her mind was too busy spiraling. she felt the weight of hyunjin's presence beside her, an unsettling mix of anxiety and curiosity. she could see him out of the corner of her eye, his brow furrowed in concentration as he followed along. there was something refreshing about his calm demeanor, something that made her want to be brave, yet her body felt heavy with fear.

as the lesson progressed, she became increasingly aware of her body-her clothes, the way they hung on her. she wanted to disappear into the fabric, to be swallowed whole so no one would see her. she was painfully aware of how puberty was changing her, the curves she couldn't accept, the way her body seemed to be betraying her every day. the last thing she wanted was for hyunjin to notice her, to see the girl everyone else saw.

to distract herself, she fidgeted with the toy car in her pocket, its familiar shape grounding her. it reminded her of her childhood, a time before the world's expectations had settled heavily on her shoulders. back then, she had played without a care, without the pressure of being seen in a certain way. but now, as she sat in the classroom, she felt trapped by her own body, trapped by the identity that felt forced upon her.

a sharp voice broke through her reverie. "felicia! can you solve this problem for us?" the teacher called, and she felt her heart race in panic. her cheeks flushed with heat, and she barely registered the numbers on the board.

"uh, i... i don't know," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. she could feel the eyes of her classmates on her, judging, waiting. hyunjin turned to look at her, a mix of surprise and concern on his face.

"it's okay," he said softly, his voice soothing. "we can work on it together."

his kindness startled her. she nodded quickly, grateful to have someone willing to help, even as her anxiety clawed at her insides. together, they tackled the problem, and she found herself focusing on his words, his explanations, rather than her own insecurities. it felt nice to be included, even if just for a moment.

the bell rang, jolting her back to reality. students began to pack their bags, the noise of chairs scraping against the floor filling the air. felicia moved quickly, shoving her notebook and pen into her bag, desperate to escape before anyone could say anything. she could feel hyunjin's presence beside her, steady and calm, but she didn't dare look at him.

as she stood to leave, she felt a gentle touch on her arm. she froze, heart racing as she turned to find hyunjin looking at her, his expression warm.

"hey, see you tomorrow," he said, and she could hear the genuine friendliness in his voice. it caught her off guard, making her stomach flutter in a way that both scared and excited her.

"uh, yeah, see you," she replied, her voice barely audible. she nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she hurried out of the classroom, the toy car still clutched tightly in her pocket.

 she nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she hurried out of the classroom, the toy car still clutched tightly in her pocket

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