013. 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗌𝖺𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗀𝗈.

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felix sat through school, the weight of the hoodie and necklace making him feel a little more connected, like he wasn’t entirely drifting through the day

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felix sat through school, the weight of the hoodie and necklace making him feel a little more connected, like he wasn’t entirely drifting through the day. hyunjin stayed by his side, as usual, and though they didn’t always talk, felix felt the silence between them shift. it wasn’t awkward, more like a quiet understanding.

as the last bell rang, signaling the end of the day, felix caught hyunjin’s gaze.

“are you ready to finish the project?” hyunjin asked, tossing his bag over his shoulder, a slight smile playing on his lips.

felix nodded, his hands tucked inside the sleeves of his oversized hoodie. “yeah, let’s go.”

they walked together to hyunjin’s place, their footsteps syncing on the pavement. the breeze was cool but not biting, carrying the scent of fallen leaves. they didn’t talk much on the way, just the occasional shared glance. it was a calm, familiar kind of quiet. the world outside felt too big, too loud, but here with hyunjin, felix felt like he could breathe.

when they reached hyunjin’s house, his mom called from the kitchen as they stepped through the door, “oh, felix, hey! good to see you again!”

felix smiled faintly at her greeting. she said his name with such ease, like it had always been this way, like it was nothing unusual at all. the warmth in her voice helped push away the tight knot of anxiety he often carried with him.

in hyunjin’s room, they set up to finish the project. they worked side by side, the quiet ticking of the clock blending with the soft shuffling of papers. every now and then, hyunjin made a light comment or a small joke, and felix found himself smiling, even laughing once or twice. it was nice—natural, even. he fidgeted with the toy car in his pocket while they worked, running his thumb over its smooth surface. hyunjin noticed, his gaze lingering for a second, but he didn’t say anything, just smiled before turning back to their project.

“done,” hyunjin announced after a while, leaning back in his chair and stretching. “i think that’s it.”

felix glanced over their work and nodded. “yeah, looks good.”

they both sat back, the weight of their tasks lifted. for a few moments, the only sound was the soft rustling of the leaves outside the window. hyunjin shifted in his seat, then glanced at felix.

“wanna go to the park again? take a break?” hyunjin asked, sounding casual, but there was a note of hopefulness in his voice.

felix hesitated, the comfort of hyunjin’s house making him feel safe, but the park had been nice before, a place where the world quieted down. after a moment, he nodded. “sure.”

hyunjin smiled. “cool, let’s go.”

they made their way to the park, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows on the ground. when they reached the small lake, the sight of the ducks floating lazily on the water brought a sense of calm. they found the same bench from before and sat down. felix pulled his hoodie closer around him, feeling its familiar weight, the soft fabric against his skin.

as they sat there, hyunjin’s hand accidentally brushed against felix’s. the touch was brief, but enough to make felix stiffen slightly. his eyes flicked toward hyunjin, who had gone still as well.

“sorry,” hyunjin mumbled, his voice a little awkward. he moved slightly, giving felix more space.

“it’s okay,” felix replied quickly, though his heart beat a little faster. the brush of hyunjin’s hand had left a warmth where their skin had met, and he felt his cheeks flush, just slightly. he turned his gaze to the lake, hoping the soft breeze would cool his face down before hyunjin noticed.

the silence that followed was a little more awkward this time, but not unbearable. hyunjin cleared his throat softly, his eyes on the water.

“you like it here, right? the park?” hyunjin asked, glancing at felix out of the corner of his eye.

felix nodded. “yeah… it’s peaceful.” his fingers idly reached up to toy with the locket around his neck. he brushed his thumb over the engraved name—felix. the gift had meant so much more than hyunjin probably knew.

hyunjin noticed the movement and smiled softly, but he didn’t press. instead, they sat in the quiet, watching the ducks, the trees swaying lightly in the breeze. after a few more minutes, hyunjin leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees.

“do you, uh… do you have any hobbies? like, stuff you like to do?” hyunjin asked, keeping his tone light, like he wasn’t expecting much of an answer.

felix shrugged, glancing down at his hands. “not really,” he said, though the toy car in his pocket crossed his mind. he wasn’t ready to talk about that yet.

“hmm.” hyunjin hummed, not pushing for more, but his curiosity was clear.

they sat in silence again, but this time it felt easier, more settled. the awkwardness from before faded as they both relaxed into the moment. felix’s hand drifted from his necklace to his pocket, where his fingers wrapped around the small car. it grounded him, a reminder of who he really was, even when the world around him felt overwhelming.

as the sun started to dip lower in the sky, hyunjin stretched, a yawn escaping him. “we should probably head back before it gets too dark.”

felix nodded, standing up and pulling his hoodie tighter around him, the necklace hidden beneath the fabric but its weight still comforting against his chest.

they walked back to hyunjin’s house, the quiet between them once again feeling natural, like there wasn’t a need to fill the space with words. felix felt a small flicker of something close to contentment—a fleeting feeling, but one that stayed with him as they reached hyunjin’s front door.

“see you tomorrow?” hyunjin asked, his smile easy.

felix nodded. “yeah. see you.”

as felix walked home, the locket resting against his chest and the toy car in his pocket, he realized something. he was beginning to feel… lighter, in a way. not completely, but enough to notice. and that feeling, however small, was something he held onto as he headed toward his house.

 and that feeling, however small, was something he held onto as he headed toward his house

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