Chap #11 Training

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The courtyard of Valorian's royal palace was alive with the clashing of swords, the sharp sound of steel meeting steel echoing through the crisp morning air. A small audience of guards and soldiers stood at a respectful distance, watching as two of the finest knights in the kingdom engaged in a rigorous training session.

Captain Caden Blackthorn moved swiftly, his sword slicing through the air in a precise arc, but each of his strikes was met with equal skill by Head Captain Elias Grey. The older man moved with the ease and efficiency of a seasoned warrior, his eyes focused, his body a study of controlled power. Though the gap in their ages was almost a decade, Elias was still the superior swordsman, his experience giving him an edge that Caden was still learning to bridge.

"Faster," Elias barked, parrying a blow and forcing Caden to step back. "You're holding back."

Caden gritted his teeth, his brow furrowing as he launched into another series of attacks. His body was already slick with sweat, but he pushed through the strain, his sword meeting Elias's blade with a loud clang. The intensity of the sparring was clear, but beneath the fierce physicality, there was mutual respect.

Elias wasn't just Caden's superior; he was his mentor, the man who had trained him from the beginning, shaping him into the knight he had become. And though the elder captain could be harsh, Caden knew every lesson had a purpose. Today's was no different.

"You're distracted," Elias remarked, his voice sharp as he effortlessly sidestepped another strike. "Your mind isn't in this."

Caden's jaw tightened, but he didn't respond. He couldn't. Not with the thoughts of Princess Elara swirling through his mind, tugging at his focus. He had been doing everything in his power to remain professional, to keep the forbidden feelings he harbored locked away. But with every stolen glance, every fleeting moment alone with her, the walls he had built around his heart were crumbling.

In the middle of their training, Elias disarmed him with a swift, clean motion. Caden's sword clattered to the ground, and he cursed under his breath. He bent to retrieve it, but Elias stopped him with a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Your heart's not in this, Caden," Elias said, his tone softer now, though still firm. "And I know why."

Caden froze, his pulse quickening. He glanced up at Elias, who studied him with those penetrating eyes, the ones that saw far more than Caden wanted to reveal.

"You think I don't notice the way you look at her?" Elias asked quietly, his voice so low only Caden could hear. "The princess."

Caden straightened, his muscles tensing, but he didn't deny it. He couldn't. Not to Elias.

"You've always been loyal," Elias continued, his grip still firm on Caden's shoulder. "But this—this is dangerous. For both of you."

Caden's jaw clenched. He knew Elias was right. Every instinct as a knight told him that his feelings for Princess Elara were a betrayal of his duty. But the connection between them was undeniable, growing stronger with each passing day.

"I'm not a fool, Caden," Elias said after a pause. "I've seen this before—guards and royalty. It never ends well. You need to let it go before it destroys you. And her."

Caden's gaze dropped to the ground, the weight of Elias's words pressing heavily on his shoulders. "I've tried," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it's not that simple."

Elias sighed, stepping back and crossing his arms over his chest. "It never is. But you need to make a choice. Either you stand by your duty as a knight, or you risk everything—your position, her reputation, and the kingdom's stability. You think King Edmund would let this slide?"

Caden winced at the mention of the king. Edmund Falkenstein was not a man to tolerate any defiance, especially when it came to his daughter and the future of Valorian. If he discovered Caden's feelings, there would be consequences, harsh and swift.

"I know," Caden said, his voice thick with frustration. "I know what's at stake. But I can't just walk away."

Elias's gaze softened, a rare display of empathy from the hardened captain. "No one's asking you to walk away. But you need to be smart. You're a good knight, Caden—one of the best. Don't throw it all away for something that can't happen."

Caden closed his eyes for a moment, letting the words sink in. Every part of him screamed to protect Elara, to be there for her in ways that went beyond his duty as her guard. But deep down, he knew Elias was right. Their love, as powerful as it felt, would never be accepted in the world they lived in.

When he opened his eyes, Elias was watching him closely. "You have time to figure it out," he said. "But don't wait too long. One slip, one rumor, and everything changes."

Caden nodded, though his heart felt heavy. He would continue to protect Elara with everything he had, but the internal battle between duty and desire was one he wasn't sure he could win.

Elias gestured toward the sword on the ground. "Pick it up. Again."

Without a word, Caden bent to retrieve his weapon, gripping the hilt tightly as he took his position once more. This time, when their blades met, there was renewed focus in his movements. But the weight of his mentor's warning lingered, a reminder that the greatest battle he faced wasn't with his sword, but with his heart.

The clash of steel filled the courtyard once more, but now, every strike carried with it the unspoken truth—Caden's love for Princess Elara could either be his greatest strength or his ultimate downfall.

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