Chap #3 The Weight of the Crown Pt 2

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The morning light streamed through the grand windows of the palace, casting a golden glow over the polished floors and intricately decorated walls. Princess Elara sat at the long dining table in the royal hall, surrounded by the symbols of her heritage—family portraits, tapestries, and the Falkenstein crest hanging high above the fireplace. But the beauty of the surroundings did little to ease the turmoil in her heart.

Seated beside her were her parents, King Edmund and Queen Seraphina, both poised and regal in their demeanor. Across from her sat Prince Lucien, who had arrived early that morning for a royal breakfast. His charming smile and polite conversation filled the air, but Elara barely heard him. Her thoughts were elsewhere—still lingering in the secret garden where she had shared that forbidden kiss with Caden the night before.

"Elara, dear, you seem distracted this morning," her mother's voice cut through her reverie, sharp but gentle, as if Seraphina had noticed Elara's far-off gaze. The queen's dark eyes studied her daughter closely, always attuned to the subtleties of her emotions.

Elara quickly straightened in her seat, offering a practiced smile. "I'm fine, Mother. Just a little tired."

King Edmund, seated at the head of the table, glanced at her with a stern yet affectionate look. "Tired or not, you must be prepared for the day ahead. Prince Lucien has come a long way, and you two have important matters to discuss."

Lucien, ever the picture of charm, leaned forward slightly, his blue eyes sparkling with interest. "Indeed, Your Majesty. Princess Elara and I have much to talk about regarding the future of our kingdoms." He turned his attention to Elara, his smile warm and genuine. "I look forward to hearing your thoughts, Elara."

She forced herself to nod politely, though her stomach churned at the thought of being bound to someone she did not love. Lucien was kind and well-meaning, but her heart belonged to someone else—a man she could never publicly acknowledge.

"The future," Elara repeated quietly, as if the word itself carried the weight of a thousand expectations.

The king continued, his tone firm and authoritative. "Lucien's proposal represents a great alliance between Valorian and Avendale. This marriage would strengthen both our kingdoms and secure peace for years to come. It is your duty, Elara, to ensure that the crown remains stable and prosperous."

Elara swallowed hard, feeling the invisible chains of her royal duty tighten around her. She had heard these words all her life, had known that one day she would be expected to marry for the sake of the kingdom. But now, as the moment loomed closer, the reality felt unbearable.

"I understand, Father," she replied, her voice steady despite the storm raging inside her. She cast a glance toward her mother, hoping for some sign of compassion, but Queen Seraphina's expression remained impassive, her loyalty to the crown outweighing any sympathy she might have felt for her daughter's plight.

Lucien smiled again, unaware of the turmoil behind Elara's calm façade. "I'm honored to be considered, Princess. And I assure you, I would do everything in my power to make you happy."

She nodded, unable to find the words to respond. How could she tell him that happiness was the one thing he could never give her? Her heart was elsewhere, tied to a man whose station in life made their love impossible.

As the breakfast continued, the conversation shifted to politics and alliances, matters of state that Elara had always been expected to understand and contribute to. But her thoughts kept drifting back to Caden—to his touch, his words, and the undeniable bond they shared.

She glanced toward the entrance of the hall, half-expecting to see him there, standing at attention as he often did during these royal gatherings. But of course, he was not. Caden would never be allowed to sit among royalty, not when his place was in the shadows, protecting her from afar.

Later that afternoon, Elara found herself walking through the palace gardens, needing to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the court. Her mind raced with conflicting thoughts—her duty to her family and kingdom versus her desire for a life she could never have.

As she rounded a corner near the rose bushes, she caught sight of Zara, her eldest lady-in-waiting and closest confidante, sitting on a stone bench. The moment their eyes met, Zara rose to her feet and approached with a knowing smile.

"Running away from the breakfast, I see?" Zara teased, her voice light but with an undertone of understanding.

Elara sighed, sinking down onto the bench. "If only I could run away from everything."

Zara's smile faded slightly as she took a seat beside her friend. "I take it the pressure is getting to you."

Elara nodded, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. "My father expects me to marry Lucien. It's all but decided. And yet... I can't shake the feeling that I'm about to make a terrible mistake."

Zara tilted her head, her sharp eyes watching Elara closely. "You're not talking about Prince Lucien, are you?"

Elara hesitated, unsure of how much she could reveal. But Zara had always been her confidante, the one person who truly understood her. "I care for someone else, Zara. Someone I can never be with."

Zara's brows furrowed, but there was no judgment in her eyes. "Does this someone care for you?"

Elara's breath caught as she thought of Caden—his protective gaze, the way he had held her the night before. "Yes," she whispered. "But it doesn't matter. He's a guard, and I'm the crowned princess. There's no future for us."

Zara leaned closer, her voice soft but firm. "You're the princess, Elara. You have more power than you realize. Maybe it's time you stopped letting others decide your future."

Elara looked at her friend, a glimmer of hope sparking in her chest. Could it be possible? Could she defy her father, her kingdom, and the expectations that had always ruled her life?

But as quickly as the hope appeared, it was overshadowed by doubt. The weight of the crown was heavy, and the consequences of rebellion were vast. Still, the seed of possibility had been planted, and Elara couldn't help but wonder if perhaps Zara was right.

Perhaps it was time to stop being just the obedient princess and start fighting for the life—and the love—she truly wanted.

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