Chap #4 A Day with Friends

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The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the royal palace of Valorian. It was one of those rare days when Elara could take a break from her duties, escape the weight of the crown, and spend time with her closest friends—Zara and Lila, her loyal ladies-in-waiting and the sisters who had become like family to her.

The trio strolled through the gardens, their laughter echoing through the air as they made their way to the palace's private courtyard. The day was perfect for a brief respite from royal obligations, a chance to relax and just be young women enjoying the moment.

Zara, always the rebellious one, twirled a wildflower she had picked along the path, her smile mischievous as she turned to Elara. "I still can't believe you let Lucien talk so much at breakfast yesterday. If I had to listen to him go on about foreign trade routes one more time, I might have thrown my goblet at him."

Elara laughed, shaking her head. "You're terrible, Zara. He's only trying to make a good impression."

"Impression, yes," Zara replied, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "But must he do it with so many words?"

Lila, walking on Elara's other side, grinned. "You have to admit, though, Elara, Zara has a point. If I were you, I'd tell him to save the speeches for the council and focus on being less... proper."

The playful exchange between the sisters brought a lightness to Elara's heart that she had sorely missed. Here, with Zara and Lila, she could forget the formalities of her title and just be herself—something that had become increasingly rare as the pressure of her future loomed.

"I wouldn't even know where to begin," Elara said, laughing. "Lucien's a prince, after all. Proper is in his blood."

"Which is exactly why you need us," Zara quipped, a grin spreading across her face. "We'll teach you how to live a little."

Lila nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, we're here to help you escape the boredom of courtly manners. You're not just a princess today, you're Elara—our friend who needs a break."

The three of them made their way to a small, shaded gazebo at the center of the courtyard, a hidden gem where they often retreated for private conversations. The soft breeze carried the scent of roses and jasmine, and the atmosphere was peaceful, a stark contrast to the formality of the palace walls.

As they sat down, Zara pulled out a small flask from her cloak, raising an eyebrow at Elara with a daring smile. "I brought something to liven up the day."

Lila gasped in mock horror. "Zara, you didn't!"

Zara grinned, unscrewing the flask. "Oh, I did. Just a little wine from the cellar. Don't worry, it's not enough to cause scandal."

Elara couldn't help but laugh as Zara poured a small amount into their glasses. "You always know how to make things more interesting, don't you?"

"Someone has to," Zara said, raising her glass. "To freedom, even if it's just for a day."

Elara clinked her glass against Zara's, the weight of responsibility momentarily lifting as she allowed herself to relax in the company of her friends. "To freedom."

As they sipped the wine, the conversation flowed freely, moving from lighthearted jokes to more serious topics. Lila, always the light-hearted one, leaned in with a conspiratorial look on her face. "Elara, you've been looking so distracted lately. Is it the whole thing with Lucien, or... is there something else going on?"

Zara glanced at Elara with a knowing smile, clearly sensing the same. "I've been wondering that too. You're not exactly the type to get flustered, but something's been on your mind. Care to share?"

Elara hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. Zara and Lila were her closest confidantes, but could she really tell them about Caden? The forbidden love she carried for him was a secret she had guarded closely, yet the bond she shared with these women made it hard to keep it hidden.

"It's complicated," Elara finally said, her voice soft. "There's... someone. Someone I care for deeply. But it's impossible."

Lila's eyes widened with excitement. "Someone? Who? Do we know him?"

Zara, ever perceptive, leaned closer, her gaze piercing. "It's Caden, isn't it?"

Elara froze, her breath catching in her throat. How had Zara known? She hadn't said anything, hadn't given any clues—had she? The sudden rush of panic threatened to overwhelm her, but Zara's expression wasn't one of judgment, only understanding.

"How did you—"

Zara smiled softly, interrupting her. "Elara, I've known you long enough to see when something's changed. The way you look at him, the way he looks at you. It's obvious."

Elara's face flushed, but she didn't deny it. What was the point? Zara had always been able to read her like a book. "Yes, it's him. But it doesn't matter. I'm the princess, and he's... he's my guard."

Lila placed a comforting hand on Elara's arm, her voice gentle. "That doesn't mean it's impossible, Elara. If you love him..."

"I do," Elara admitted, the words finally spilling out. "I love him. But no one can ever know. My father would never allow it. And Caden—he's too honorable to break his vow."

Zara shook her head, her voice filled with determination. "Honor and vows are one thing, but love is another. You can't live your life chained to duty if your heart belongs elsewhere."

Elara sighed, torn between her heart's desire and the overwhelming sense of responsibility that weighed her down. "It's not that simple, Zara. You know how things work in the court. Marriages are alliances. My father expects me to marry Prince Lucien. To go against that would be to go against the kingdom itself."

Lila frowned, her normally playful demeanor replaced with genuine concern. "But what about you? What about your happiness?"

Zara's expression softened as she leaned back, her eyes locking with Elara's. "The crown is heavy, Elara, but you don't have to carry it alone. And you don't have to sacrifice everything for it, either."

The words struck a chord deep within Elara, the truth of them resonating in her heart. She had always known that duty would require sacrifices, but was she really willing to give up the one thing that made her feel truly alive?

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the garden, Elara realized that the day had given her more than just a moment of peace. It had given her clarity. Zara and Lila had reminded her that she had choices, even if they seemed impossible.

And perhaps, just perhaps, there was a way to reconcile her duty to the crown with the love she held for Caden.

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